Thirty Two

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Liam Driscoll

To say my head was pounding would be an understatement. It feels like someone's been repeatedly slamming my head into a brick for hours without stopping.

There was a dim light shining from above. I winced and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to breathe through the rapidly increasing headache.

The first thought that came to my head was Will. I looked to my left then my right and I sighed in relief when I saw him tied in the chair beside me. He had rope tied around his waist and his hands tied behind the back of the chair. I tried moving my legs over to nudge him, but they were also restricted with rope.

Will was out cold. His face or body didn't look harmed in any way, thank god. But if it weren't for being able to see his chest rising with every breath, you'd think he was dead. His body looked so lifeless sitting there. His head was slumped forwards not even moving a muscle.

I remember seeing Greg walking towards me, then him jamming a needle into my neck. It hurt like a bitch.

How did I not see this happening? Am I really that naive? The once love of my life, my boss and my friend all working together right under my nose? Was the last fifteen years of my life really all a lie?

All of these things just aren't adding up. First, all the news about Antonio, then Greg shows up, and now Mctavish isn't even close to being the person I thought he was. Greg must have known the necklace was at my place, the way he asked me to go through Antonio's things sounded a little off putting.

Did he expect me to find it?

No. Fucking. Idea. And I'm so so tired of getting left in the dark. I just want the truth. I want to go back to my life. I want it to just be me and Will. Just the two of us. No more stupid games, no more ex's coming back from the dead. None of it.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as a pair of cold hands landed on either side of my shoulder.

"Good morning, handsome." A familiar voice called out from behind me.

"Don't call me-!"

"Ah, ah. I'm doing the talking." Antonio said from behind me. His touch sent shivers down my spine -- and not in a good way. It will never be in a good way.

"Get your f-filthy hands off me!" I complained.

"Meow, kitties got some claws." He chuckled deeply.

He walked in front of me, stopping once he was front and center. The light from above was now blocked by his frame towering in front of it.

"Why are you doing this? Just let us go." I pleaded for the tenth time, but it doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.

Antonio gave me an almost sad smile as I looked up at him, bit that expression he had was quickly replaced with a scowl as the door opened from behind me.

He backhanded me across the face. The taste of metallic filled my mouth. I spat the blood at his feet. "Fuck you, Antonio. You're such a piece of shit." I seethed.

"Greg." Antonio smiled.

"Wake that one up, would you?" Antonio grinned sinisterly.

"Don't you dare put your hands on him!" I yelled.

Antonio grabbed my chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing me to look at Will.

"Oh this will be fun." He smiled.

Greg stepped closer and closer to Will. Grinning at me like mad man. "I said don't touch him you fucking b-bastard!" I shouted again, kicking my legs out. Maybe I can get out of here, I just don't know how.

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