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William Barlowe

A few minutes after I got inside, the power came on, lighting up the dark house.

I moved into the kitchen and began brewing some coffee in Liam's classic, old coffee pot. Who even uses those anymore. How old fashioned. I laughed to myself, searching for a couple coffee cups.

As I waited for the coffee to brew, I checked the living room and saw Liam boarding up one of the windows.

I went back to the kitchen and filled the two cups adding some milk and sugar, bringing them back to the living room.

Trying to keep focused, I pulled out my phone only to realize there was no service. Then, resorted to the tv only to not have any signal there and no internet. Obviously.  I sighed and wrapped myself in the blanket resting on the couch and smiled as it smelled exactly like Liam. Mm, god I missed him.

I don't know why I didn't talk to him for as long as I did, it was stupid of me. My brain just likes to overthink and sabotage anything good for me.

I waited... And waited... And after nearly half an hour of him not coming inside, worry started to encompass me, and I couldn't help but feel something wasn't right. I knew he'd be a while, but not this long.

I jumped up from the couch, threw on a jacket and my shoes and went out the front door.

The second the door opened, I'm met with harsh rain slamming against my face. I used my arm to block what I could and stepped further outside.

"Liam? Liam, are you out here?!" I shouted, trying to look around through the darkness.

I walked along the side of the house and that's when I saw him.

"Liam!" I shouted, running to his seemingly unconscious body. Oh my god. Holy shit! He had blood dripping down his forehead and a small gash just above his eyebrow.

I checked his pulse, and yes. He's breathing. Thank fucking god. I tried to lift him, but the man's huge. He's basically a muscular giant compared to me. I couldn't do it.

"Fuck. If somehow you hear me right now, I'm sorry." I said.

I grabbed both his arms and began dragging him through the muddy, puddle filled grass.

It was a struggle getting him inside the door, but I did it. I dragged his limp body all the way to the living room. I went to find a towel, pillow, blanket and some clothes. I felt bad going through his things, but now's not the time to worry about that.

A few minutes after I walked back and he's still in the same position. I carefully lifted his head and placed the pillow underneath him. Then, unzipped his jacket, removed his pants and dried off his body.

I took a few seconds to breathe, because this is the most physical activity I think I've ever done. Leg by leg, I slid on a pair of checkered pajama bottoms and a plain t-shirt over his head.

I sat down beside him, running my fingers along his stubble covered jaw. I should have just went outside with him, then this would have never happened. This also wouldn't have happened if he didn't have to come get my helpless ass. He would have gotten this done hours ago before the storm got bad. This mess is definitely my fault.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I leaned my back against the couch, keeping my hand on his shoulder.

At some point, I must have fallen asleep, because I felt Liam's body twitch beneath me. It startled me awake, my eyes opening quickly to check on him.

"Liam?" I asked groggily.

"Hmm?" He groaned. "W-What happened?"

Oh thank god.

"You were boarding the windows, I thought it was taking a while... So I went to check on you and found you lying in the grass. Something hit your head pretty good out there." I said.

"Oh... Right. It was the blood. I passed out from the blood." He spoke quietly with the most adorable blush on his cheeks.

"My head definitely hurts though, but I don't think it's that bad, is it?" He questioned, while sitting his back against the couch beside me.

"No, it's not bad. I cleaned it up and it doesn't look like it needs stitches or anything. The bleeding also stopped a little bit ago, thankfully." I spoke with a small smile.

"I'm really glad you're okay. You scared me for a minute there."

"It's going to take more than that to take me down." He smirked.

"How did I get in here by the way? And changed? You... You did this?" He asked.

"Of course I did... I wasn't going to let you lay there with soaked clothes and a bleeding head. As for getting you inside... Um, well you see I couldn't physically lift your giant body, soo I might have dragged you inside."

"Dragged me?! Ha, no wonder m-my shoulder is sore." He gave me the most beautiful, heart stopping laugh and I couldn't help but smile widely back at him.

"Look, um... I'm sorry, for you know... Not talking to you this last week. I was just over thinking. I felt like you deserved better than me, but after seeing you again... I realized just how much I like you and i'm also kinda a catch so..." I smiled cheekily at Liam, he gave me more of a sad smile in return.

"I thought you maybe lost i-interest in me." He said.

My jaw opened wide at his words, and before I could stop myself, I jumped over Liam's lap, straddling him on the floor as he lays against the couch.

"I will never, ever lose interest in a man as amazing as you are." Liam's hands settled on my thighs, slowly inching upwards to cup around my ass.

"This entire week was torture.. I don't know why I did it to myself but I definitely won't be doing it again." I spoke with full honesty.

"You better not. I'm not here to p-play games, Will. I want you and I-I want to try and make it work, but you can't be running off and not talking to me for weeks at a time." He said sadly.

"I won't do it again, Liam. I promise i'm right here."

I leaned in towards him, kissing him with everything I have.

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