Thirty Nine

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Extra long chapter with some smut 🙊
One more to go!

William Barlowe

We've been out of the hospital for just over a month now. Finally things have started going back to normal. Liam has been healing up nicely, and I was just cleared for all activities this last week. I love Liam, but man is he ever a mom when you get injured. Always asking if I need a drink, if I want another blanket, if I want my pillow fluffed, or some Advil. Don't get me wrong, it's nice having someone care for me but he's definitely overprotective. Now that I've gotten the clear, he's relaxed a bit.

The whole time he was healing from his gun shot wound, he wouldn't let me do anything to help him. He insisted on cooking dinner every single night. Even when he was limping, holding onto the wall to walk, I'd get up to try and help him but he'd shoo me away every time. Which it was annoying, really fucking annoying, but I think he didn't want to hurt his pride by getting help. Ugh, men. I'm the opposite. You want to help me? Go right ahead. I happily kept myself curled up in blankets on the couch for two weeks straight.

This last month has been absolute hell for our sex life. We got cleared last week, but he still hasn't done anything to approach me. I'm beginning to think I have to take things into my own hands if he's not going to come onto me. I think he's just scared he's going to hurt me, but I don't get why. I got a concussion, he's the one who was shot!

Luke is having his wedding in just a few short months and today he asked us to come with him suit shopping. He of course asked Liam to be his best man, and Anthony to be Jasper's best man. Surprisingly Luke asked if I wanted to be a groomsman for him and I gladly accepted. We've actually become quite close over this last month. He's dramatic like me and said the wedding can't go on unless i'm in it, so of course I said yes!

I've been doing all my school work at home the past few weeks which has been nice, especially since Liam's been taking some much deserved time off work. He hasn't necessarily asked me to move in with him, but I've been sneaking more and more things here the past while. My dorms almost empty, but Liam doesn't need to know that yet.

"Ready to go, beautiful?" I heard Liam shout from the living room.

I went through my drawers and pulled out some clothes, shimmying into a pair of black lacey panties. They're not really my thing, like at all, but for some reason Chris made me buy them for Liam. I might have told him I'm going a bit crazy not getting some dick from him, so I'm willing to try whatever I can to have him pounce on me. I want to be sexy and irresistible. I want him to look at me how he did the first day he met me. I don't want him to see me as some fragile little butterfly when I am far from it.

I pulled up the small black stockings and pulled my jeans over top of them. I feel really fucking weird. The stockings aren't the most comfortable under my pants, but the underwear is surprisingly comfortable.

I threw on a shirt and ran to the front. "Sorry! Sorry, let's go." I said, kissing Liam on the cheek. Also not so subliminally running my hand over his chest.

He smiled at me and opened up the door.

We were driving for a few minutes before Liam spoke up. "How're you feeling today, love? No headaches?"

"No, I'm fine Liam, I've been good for a couple weeks already. Quit worrying." I said, poking him in the side as we stopped at a red light.

"Don't start, Will!" Liam said, trying to hold back his laughter. His arms were covering his sides, but I reached around him and started tickling him.

"Stop! Stop! You win, Will! I'll leave it alone!" He shouted, trying to swat my hands away.

"Yeah? You sure? These hands are pro at tickling. I'm not afraid to do it again!" I exclaimed, wiggling my fingers at him.

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