Twenty Eight

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Liam Driscoll

"Find anything?" I asked.

"No... Nothing yet." Will shrugged. "You?"

"Mm, no. There's nothing but notes on artifacts he found in here." I said, flipping through the pages of Antonio's notebook.

I set the journal down on the floor of my attic, sighing.

"I don't know what Greg expects me to find in here." I admitted.

"I couldn't tell you." He said, sounding distracted.

I looked up and saw Will running his thumb across my old wedding ring. The ring I was going to use to propose to Antonio with. It sat in its velvet blue box with stains of dust resting on the fabric.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." He smiled, closing the box back up.

"Tell me what you're thinking about beautiful." I asked, reaching over to hold onto his hand.

"It's n-nothing, Liam." He said with a sniffle.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I stood up, pulling Will so he's standing in front of me. My hand found its way to the back of his neck as I looked deeply in his blue eyes.

"Please talk to me." I pleaded.

"I guess I'm just a l-little jealous." He blushed, biting down on his lip.

"Don't be jealous, love. What we have with eachother, it's special. Don't be jealous of something that's in the past, something that doesn't exist anymore. Will, look at me baby." I said, using my thumb to lift his chin. He sniffled again, wiping his tears away. "It took me almost nine years to have sex with somebody. Nine years to kiss someone else. You had me wrapped around your little finger the first day I met you. I had sex with you and kissed you practically the first day I knew you. No one has ever caught my eye like you have. You are my world, and I always want you to be in my life, as my partner, my lover, my friend... Any way I can have you. It's always going to be you. And one day," I took his hand, kissing his ring finger. "One day, if you still choose to be with me, you will have a ring on that finger." I said with a watery eyed smile.

"Y-You'd really want to get married?" He asked.

"I would. As long as it were with you. If for some reason we didn't work out, I don't think I'd even consider marriage again. I don't think I'll ever get the opportunity to have something like this again." I admitted.

"Liam, that was like the sweetest thing I've ever heard! I can't believe you want to marry me!" He shouted happily, holding his left hand out, spinning in a cute little circle.

He surprised me after by jumping into my arms. My hands landed underneath his ass, holding him close to me.

"How are you so perfect? You always say the best things to make me feel better. You make me smile, you make me feel good, you always make sure I'm never insecure... I just, I love you so much!" 

Will's hand went over his mouth as he spoke the last words.

I love you.

"Oh god! Oh my god, that was way too soon! Shit, I was doing so good! Dammit! I was trying to hold it in for at least four months, please ignore me! And don't run! I-I take it back!"

"Will, s-sweetheart. Relax, would you?" I chuckled.

"I'm sorry it just slipped, I was just happy and it just kinda came out! I don't like not love you, but just um, just forget you heard it! For now. Then a few months when you're ready I'll say it again and you'll feel the same way and-"

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