Twenty Five

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***Warning: Smut Smut Smut 🙊***

Liam Driscoll

Will came running into my arms at full speed. His backpack was tossed somewhere in the row of seats beside him as he jumped into my arms.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you, baby. I'm so sorry." I murmured into his neck.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to make you angry... I'm just over thinking. I don't want to lose you. I... I can't lose you." He cried out.

"You're not going to lose me. No matter what, Will. I won't ever leave you." I said.

I carried Will in my arms, setting him down on my desk, stepping between his legs.

I could give two fucks if anyone walks in. Will is more important than any job.

I took his face between both of my hands, looking intently into his eyes.

"I will never leave you. For anything or anyone. I've moved on, and I'm with you. I won't just toss you away. I care about you too much to not have you in my life." I smiled gently at him, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Damn, we cry a lot. We're both emotional wrecks.

I laughed at the thought, sliding Will towards the edge of the desk.

"I'm falling for you, Liam. So fucking hard it's not even funny." He said.

"Well you know what, beautiful?" I moved my hand to the back of his neck, "I think I've already fallen for you."

The second the words left my mouth, Will pounced on me, kissing me fiercely. I prodded his mouth open with my tongue, pushing my way inside his mouth.

Our bodies pressed together, his hot breath on my neck as he pulled away gasping for air.

I pushed him down on my desk with my palm on his chest, only stopping once his back reached the cool material of wood beneath him.

I searched his eyes for approval, which he nodded and pleaded for me to keep going.

I double checked the room to ensure it was empty, and slid down his pants. I propped his feet up on the desk, sliding his legs apart to give me the perfect view of his sweet, pink hole.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"Please, Liam, Please!" He begged.

I put my fingers in my mouth, lathering them up, gently circling them around his entrance.

"I need more! Please... God, just push them in!" He yelled.

I placed my hand over his mouth, willing him to quiet down.

I smirked as he moaned against my hand while my first finger slid into him.

He squirmed below me, panting and whining for more.

"Needy boy." I said, adding a second finger.

"Ohhh- L-Liam, fuck yes!" He shouted.

My pace inside him sped up quickly, stretching him as fast and carefully as possible. I don't want to hurt him, even though I feel like he wouldn't care right now.

"Hurry up! I need your cock inside me right this second, Liam! Quit teasing!" Will complained, grabbing his length and stroking it eagerly.

I removed my fingers, took out my dick and thrusted into him just how he wanted it.

Fast, hard, and without abandon.

Grabbing him by his thighs, I slid him down so his ass was off the desk and his legs resting over my shoulders.

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