Twenty One

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Liam Driscoll

I woke up in the morning, tired as can be. Will slept soundly beside me, but me? I couldn't get my mind off the words my father said to me last night.

The words 'I know things. Things that will tear your little world up in shreds.' stuck in my head on repeat.

It just doesn't make any sense, what could he be talking about? I've spent hours lying in bed trying to decipher the meaning behind his words, but have come up with nothing. Maybe he was just speaking drunken words.

I also can't comprehend how he said my mothers death was my fault. It wasn't. It couldn't have been my fault... I was so young when she died. Even if it were true, I wish she would have told me. I'd rather have not gone through with my speech therapy sessions if that meant she could have her treatment.

It breaks my heart knowing that if she would have, maybe she would still be here today. Maybe, just maybe our family would still be together and my dad wouldn't have resorted to drinking, ruining his life.

I've talked to Luke many times over the years to stop feeding my father's addiction, but he's unfortunately got a soft spot for the old man, unlike me. I will never support his addiction and give him money, even if he needs it. The second I help him, he's just going to come crawling back hoping to get more money for his booze.

I've seen the way it's affected Luke over the years, yet he keeps giving in to my father's demands, breaking him down until he gets what he wants. I believe he hopes that he's going to get help by giving him money, but he doesn't understand it's making him worse.

As hard as it is to say, I think my father is too far gone. He used to be a happy, hard-working man, happily married. We had the perfect life. We took trips together, had family dinners, the usual family things. But the day she passed, my father lost his will to live when he lost the love of his life.

We tried to seek help for him, but he was reluctant in doing so. Said he didn't have a problem and to mind our own business. We tried. We really did, especially as we grew older.

The moment my father laid his hands on me, was the day I had enough. I walked out of his life almost ten years ago and never looked back.

I felt Will's body shift beside me, and even in my dark thoughts, he still managed to bring a smile to my face.

"Good morning, beautiful." I said.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" He asked, clutching his arms around my waist.

"I've had better." I shrugged. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"You look tired. How about I make us something. You shower and I'll have something ready for when you come out." He smiled, kissing my cheek.

"You really don't have to, Will-" I started.

"Shush! You've cooked for me how many times now. And I happen to not be a bad cook." He smiled.

"Fine, have it your way." I kissed his forehead and tiredly got myself out of bed.


"Wow, it smells delicious in here." I said.

"That was a quick shower, it's not done yet! But sit, it should just be a few more minutes." He pointed to the barstool at the island with the spatula in his hands.

"Do you need any-"I started.

"Nope. No help. Sit and do nothing. I'm treating you this morning." He winked and turned around.

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