Twenty Two

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***Warning: Mature content***

Liam Driscoll

We finally reached the car, out of breath and panting for air.

I can't say I've ever thought that would happen to me. But I guess there's a first time for everything... Right?

"I'm so sorry that didn't go as planned." Will sighed.

"I was hoping we could have had a nice, romantic day together, but that clearly didn't work." He smiled sadly.

"For what it's worth, it was great while it lasted." I grinned.

"I won't be forgetting this day for a long time." I said.

"Yeah, me neither. Seriously, how crazy was that!" He exclaimed.

"It was pretty crazy." I laughed, pulling quickly back onto the highway.

"You know... All that adrenaline has got me pretty worked up." Will said.

I eyed him curiously as I continued to drive.

"And... What do you want to do about it?" I questioned.

"Can you keep your focus on the road?" He asked.

"I mean, yeah, I am right now." I laughed.

"If it's too much, tell me to stop, okay?" He said. His body leaned over the middle console, quickly undoing the string to my shorts.

"Will! What are you-" I started.

"Eyes on the road." He said sternly.

I bit my lip, fighting not to let my eyes drift down. He lowered my shorts with the help of me lifting up slightly, and pulled out my length.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened like no other.

His tongue darted out, kissing a path up the length of my cock.

"Oh fuck, Will." I moaned.

"You taste so good." He murmured.

His soft lips opened up, slowly taking my length down his throat.

He moaned around me, sending blissful vibrations through my entire body.

I placed the car's cruise control on so I could remove my foot from the gas pedal and thrust my hips upwards into his mouth.

"Yes, baby. That's good." I grunted out.

He sucked harder and faster, quickly drawing me to the edge of my orgasm.

My release exploded into his mouth, and he didn't stop until he milked every last drop from me.

I let my head rest back against my seat, sighing in delight.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Wait until we stop, I'll take good care of you." I winked.

"I don't think I can wait, Liam." He said.

He licked his lips, sliding his shorts down to his ankles. His bare ass resting against the seat, and his hardened length wrapped around his pretty little fingers.

He reclined his seat back, moaning at the pleasure he's giving himself.

Fucking hell. I can't take this. I need to watch him.

"What're you doing?" He asked, continuing to moan.

"I'm pulling over. There's no way in hell I can have you do that beside me without watching." I stated.

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