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Liam Driscoll

We've been at this bar for a good two hours now, it's just coming up to 11:30 pm. A time i'm rarely awake at nowadays.

The drinks were flowing freely and i'm actually having a pretty good time. I didn't think I'd miss being out with my friends, but after being out with them now after months of doing nothing, it's a nice little escape from reality.

The reality being my everyday life is uneventful as fuck.

"I'll be right back, i'm going to grab another drink." I spoke with a slight slur.

"Bring me a beer!" Luke yelled. I nodded my head that I would, and pushed through the crowd to one of the many bars laid out in the establishment.

"Professor? Is that you?" A hand squeezed my shoulder as I listened to the familiar voice. I turned my body slowly to face the man behind me.


"What are you doing out on a school night, professor?" He winked at me.

God the sight was beautiful. And he's flirting again. This isn't good.

"I'm just out for a friend's birthday, and I have no classes tomorrow." I stated. "and yourself?" I asked, raising my brow slightly.

"It's been a long week, I needed a release."

Fuck, everything that escapes his gorgeous mouth has some sort of dirty innuendo behind it. He knows exactly what he's doing.

"Is that so?" I asked with a small grin. "We're barely half way through the week."

"Mhm, you know, I didn't take you as the type of man to go out to places like this. You seem more like the kinda guy who'd be at some fancy country club, smoking your cigars and drinking your expensive whiskey."

"That's very... Descriptive. If you must know, that is highly unrealistic on a teaching salary and very much not my scene."

"Can I ask you something else, professor?"

"We're not in class, you can call me Liam if you'd like."

"First name basis? I like it. But I also like calling you professor, it's sexy. If we're being honest here, it kinda turns me on."

I have never spoken to someone so... Forward.

I can feel my cheeks heating at his words. I can't remember the last time I've blushed at someone's words.

"Ahem, yes, uh... What did you want to ask me, William?" I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to brush off his comment.

"You make me feel things I've never felt before, am I crazy or do you feel it too?" He asked.

Now that's a tough question to answer.

"I can't, William."

"That's not an answer." He said.

"I can lose my job for even having this conversation with you. I can't afford to lose my position at the university, plus I've practically known you for a day."

"You won't lose your job. Whatever happens can stay between us. No string attached, if that's what you're into." He smirked seductively; his slender finger ran along the open section of my shirt.

His touch alone sent a shock down my spine all the way to my dick.

"Who cares if we don't know each other, doesn't mean we cant get to know one another." He gave me a devilish smirk.

"This isn't a good idea, Will."

"That doesn't change the fact that I want you so fucking bad, Liam. More than I've ever wanted anyone in my life."

I haven't had any sexual relations with anyone since Antonio. 8 long years without intimate human contact. Many have tried, but no one could break my barriers down. Besides William. Two fucking days and i'm melting like putty for him.

I scratched the back of my head before speaking,

"You're over 21, right?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course I am, were in a bar? I'm 25 for your information." He responded in an irate tone.

"I'm sorry I wasn't trying to offend you, beautiful. It's just, i'm quite a bit older than you. This is all very out of my element."

"Sometimes it can be a good thing to get out of your comfort zone. Wait, did you just call me beautiful? That's one I haven't heard before."

I did say that. Dammit. The alcohol is hitting me harder than I thought. I could have sworn that was in my head, clearly it's the wrong head doing the talking.

"Well who do we have here, dear Liam?" My brother interrupted.

"Uh...I," I started.

"I'm William, but you can call me Will. I was just getting acquainted with Liam here," he answered seamlessly while placing his hand on the small of my back.

"Huh, well that's great. I'll leave you two be." He said with a wink and ran off to our table. I guarantee he's going to go gossip to everyone.

Great. Fan-freaking-tastic.

"Wanna dance?" He licked his soft, supple lips, staring up at me with lust filled eyes.

"I don't dance." I stated.

"Come on. You don't even need to do any work. Follow me." He didn't even give me a chance to respond before his soft hands dragged me onto the dancefloor.

"Come on, professor. Let loose." His fit body spun around, pressing his back against my chest. His hand reached out to grip the nape of my neck while the back of his head rested against my chest.

My hands found their way around his waist as I held his firmly against me. Fuck, I haven't been this turned on in years. I almost forgot what it felt like.

"Such a naughty little thing, aren't you." I spoke quietly in his ear, gently biting at his neck as I pull away.

I don't even recognize myself right now.

His hips gyrated in slow, deliberate circles against my painfully hard cock. The music, not usually my go-to but it was really playing into the mood. The sensual, upbeat music blasting around us, with purple and pink hues of light shining down over us. He looked so fucking sexy against me.

His hand reached out for mine, placing it flat on his chest as he dragged my hand down his firm body, stopping at the place i'm craving most. His unmistakably hard length pressed against the fabric of his jeans.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked.

Fuck making smart choices because I don't think I can go another minute without being inside of this gorgeous man.

"Y-Yes. Let's go." I said with my voice slightly shaking.

I'm falling for you, Professor | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now