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William Barlowe

It's late Saturday afternoon and I still haven't heard anything from Liam.

Did he forget? Maybe he changed his mind. I was kind of an asshole to him, but fuck he just made me so angry.

I told Chris about that day and he did tell me I was kind of a dick. I do like Liam's stutter, it's adorable. But I can tell he doesn't like it and I definitely made him feel worse about it. I really wish I had a filter for my words someday.

I thought about it these last two weeks and i'm beginning to think there's maybe like a medical reason as to why it happens... Chris was also the one to say this to me. I didn't even think about the possibility of it. All I know is that I've been drowning myself in guilt this entire time.

I've wanted to apologize but I was too much of a baby to go up and talk to him.

As i'm searching my small closet in my dorm, I hear my phone ding on the nightstand.

New Email:
Good afternoon, Will. I realize I don't have your number to contact you. Dinner will be at my place, 6 o'clock.
Here is my address in case you don't remember where I live. 1356 Maplewood Cres.

Sincerely, Liam Driscoll

How formal. He's so cute. Looks like he didn't forget about me. I smiled to myself as I search for something nice to wear.

An hour later, I settled on a white button down shirt with black trousers, and my favorite pair of black loafers. Nothing too fancy since we're just going to be at his house, but enough to show I put a little effort in getting ready.

Okay, this is good. I look good, and I feel good. Now let's hope Liam thinks the same.

I gather my phone and keys to my car, locking my dorm on the way out.

The closer I find myself getting to my car, the more real this feels. I can't believe I'm going on a date with my professor.

I think I zoned out through the entire drive because somehow... I'm parked in front of his house. Ask me how I got here? Couldn't tell ya.

"Ahhh! What the-"

I roll down my window, I think I just pissed myself. Not literally.

"Are you trying to give me a damn heart attack here?!"

"I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to make it inside. You've been sitting out front for over 20 minutes."

"What?" I said looking at the time on my stereo. Holy shit, it's almost 6:30. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. But come on, suppers still cooking and I'd prefer to eat non-burnt food." He gave me a small smile and opened the car door for me.

"Thanks." I simpered, trying to fight back a blush.

Wow, he looks so good. A dark blue dress shirt, and those white pants that hug his ass so perfectly. Damn, I've never realized how nice of an ass he had.

"You look really good, Liam." I couldn't help myself.

"Oh, t-thank you...Ahem, shall we?" He opened the front door, letting me step through first.

I hear him take a shaky breath behind me,"You look really nice too, Will. You take my breath away...You're so beautiful."

Wow, this is a completely different Liam. I didn't even know he could be so sweet.

I'm falling for you, Professor | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now