Thirty Eight

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Liam Driscoll

We've been in the hospital going on two days now. Will hit his head much harder than I thought. There was unfortunately a sharp rock that cut his head resulting in need for stitches.

They said he had a very severe concussion, and slight swelling in his brain, so thought it would be best to place him under a medically induced coma for forty eight hours to ensure he doesn't get worse. They did say he would be okay. If he wasn't I don't know what I'd do with myself.

We've almost made it to the forty eight hours, and soon my baby will be back in my arms and we can move on from this mess.

I haven't left his side since he got admitted here, only leaving to go to the bathroom or get some coffee. Not that I could move around a lot anyways. I now know that being shot in the leg isn't a very good feeling. This was technically my fault though, so he doesn't deserve to be left alone. I called Will's parents, they stopped by earlier in the day for a few hours and said they'd come back in the evening, hoping he'll be awake by then.

I was in the midst of reading a book to Will when there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in." I responded.

Antonio walked in, looking at me then to Will with a sad smile.

"Hey, Liam. Can we talk?" He asked.

"Now you want to talk?" I chuckled, folding the corner of the book and setting it down on the small table beside me.

"I know it's been a long time coming. I just want to explain some things to you." He said.

"Yeah, try nine years." I said.

I took a few seconds before speaking again.
"Fine. Where?"

"I was thinking we could just go down to the cafe on the main floor?" He questioned.

I nodded, kissed Will's forehead and followed Antonio out of the room.

The elevator ride down was awkward. It was silent and uncomfortable and I just wanted to get out of there. I breathed a sigh of relief when two other people stepped into the elevator a couple floors down. It felt less claustrophobic in here, even though there was more people inside, I felt better. My leg was also hurting like a bìtch, but didn't make my pain known to Antonio.

The elevator dinged letting us know we were on the main floor again. I trailed behind him a good distance away, not wanting to be close to him.

"What do you want? I'll buy." Antonio said.

"Black coffee."

"Alright." He said.

I found a spot at one of the small round tables placed in the small cafe and took my seat. I got Chris' number from Will's phone and have been giving him updates. He said he was out of town and would catch the next flight back, but I told him not to worry and that I'd FaceTime him when Will woke.

I was just finishing texting my brother Luke when a brown paper cup was placed in front of me. Shortly after Antonip took his seat across from me, nervously tapping his thumb against the edge of the table.

I looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. No way in hell am I initiating this first.

"I'm sorry. For everything, Liam." Antonio said. He sighed, keeping his eyes on the coffee cup in front of him.

"That's it?" I asked.

"No. Not even close. I just, shit. I didn't think I'd see you again. You know, I've been thinking these past nine years... What I'd say to you if I ever got the chance. I thought I'd worked it out perfectly. Now that I'm here, actually seeing you again face to face, it's like all the words have gone right out the window." He said.

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