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Liam Driscoll

We arrived at the hotel after our little pit stop, you could call it. I really don't know what came over me, but I feel unbelievably better after that. It released so much tension in my body that now yes, I'm still stressed, but my body? Feels amazing.

We got checked into the hotel room quite late in the night. We both showered together quickly, and passed out in eachothers arms.

When my alarm went off, I sighed, not wanting to get up yet. I just want to keep my arms wrapped around this beautiful man sleeping soundly in my arms.

But I know I need to get this dealt with. There's no way around it. Someone placed that necklace in my house. I don't know if it was to frame me for something, or to hide it maybe? This still isn't making any sense to me. I honestly just wish it wasn't there. I don't want this stupid necklace.

I wouldn't dream to take credit for something I didnt do. Though this was clearly acquired illegally, and the actual person who discovered it won't take the credit, I won't be taking the blame for this either.

I removed my arms from Will's embrace and slowly walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I was deep in thought standing in the bathroom that I didn't notice Will walk in. He came up behind me and smiled, wrapping his arms around my waste, placing adorable kisses all over my back.

"Morning, love." I smiled with a mouth full of tooth paste.

"Morning!" He giggled.

"You got a little something..." He pointed to the corner of my mouth.

I laughed, spit the toothpaste out and wiped my face off with the small towel beside me.

"Better?" I grinned, turning around to face him.

"Yep. Perfect." He smiled. I leaned down to kiss him, but he sealed his lips inside his mouth, looking like a toothless goofball.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed.

He took a few steps back out of my reach, "No kisses til I brush my teeth either!" He complained.

I took the few steps towards Will with a smirk, pretending to kiss him. He was squirming away, but I cornered him between the wall, and just as he thought I was about to kiss him. He started parting his lips for me ready to saw screw it and just kiss me, but I kissed his forehead instead. "Come see me when you're done." I winked, walking back to the bedroom area.

"You're an evil, evil man Liam!" Will shouted from the bathroom. I laughed heartily at his reaction. He's so fun to mess with sometimes.

While I waited, I got dressed in a grey button up and a pair of black slacks. Will was still taking his time, so I lay back on the bed, resting my back against the headboard. While I was changing, Will came out and snuck something in the bathroom with him. What is he up to?

I heard the door close gently, looked up at him and he was wearing a light blue jock strap with a black waistband. My jaw completely unhinged. Why hasn't he worn this before? How does he look so fucking sexy?

"Oh my-" I started.

He strutted out of the bathroom, swaying his hips back and forth until he reached his bag. He looked over his shoulder at me, bent down overly dramatic to reach inside of the bag on the floor.

His butt cheeks parted as he bent over, giving me view of the baby blue butt plug in his sweet hole.

"Baby, my god-"

A few seconds later, he was sliding a pair of jeans up his waist and a t-shirt over his head.

"No! Don't put it on!" I begged. "Fuck, you look so sexy. I could stare at you all day." I groaned.

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