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William Barlowe

"Are you sure this doesn't look bad? I feel ridiculous." Liam complained.

"You look so sexy. Trust me." I said.

Liam wore a pair of black jeans, that were a little too tight for his liking, but I refused to let him change into dress slacks. His ass looks phenomenal in jeans and I kinda wish he wore them more.

We went to the mall today and I also made him buy this beautiful emerald green, short sleeved dress shirt. It was almost silk, but not really shiny. It made his skin and his eyes look mesmerizing. My mouth watered at the sight of him.

The first couple button's to his shirt were left undone, showing a small patch of chest hair and his gloriously sexy tattoos.

He's by far the most handsome man I've ever seen, and I swear he gets sexier by the day.

I leaned in the doorway of Liam's bathroom with my arms crossed, admiring him fixing up his hair.

After a few moments, I decided looking wasn't enough. I wrapped my arms around his waist, standing up on my toes to kiss his neck. He shivered, leaning his head back and the sweetest moan escaped his lips.

"Don't start something you can't finish, you little minx." He said.

I smirked against his neck, running my hands a little lower to caress the growing tent in his jeans.

"Fuck, Will. You're driving me crazy. We- we have to get going." He spoke with a low, husky voice.

"Fine, but later, you're all mine." I said, placing one last kiss to his neck before backing away.


An hour later, were walking into the bar we're meeting Chris and his date at.

I pointed with a smile, "This way." I said, taking Liam's hand in mine.

We walked through the crowd and Liam's eyes went wide as we reached the table.

"Anthony? What're you doing here?" Liam asked.

"I'm uh, on a date-"

"Will! Finally you guys showed up! We almost started eating without you!" Chris exclaimed.

"Wait! You two? Liam, this is Anthony, as in your best friend Anthony? That one?" I asked.

"The one and only!" Anthony said with a laugh.

"You didn't tell me you were dating an older guy too!" I said excitedly in Chris' ear.

Liam and Anthony got to talking as we sat down, giving us the perfect opportunity to gush like school girls about our dates.

"It never came up!" He blushed, his eyes roaming over Anthony. "He's pretty hot though, isn't he? Like why are older men so sexy? I see what you see in Liam." He added.

"This is crazy! I don't even understand what's going on right now, how did you guys even meet?!" I asked excitedly.

"Well, I was out getting groceries a couple weeks ago, and I was trying to get my favorite cereal from the top shelf and I couldn't reach it, so I stepped up on the bottom shelf to get up higher and the shelf started coming loose which caused me to go flying backwards and literally into the arms of Anthony. He caught me like I weighed nothing! Then we talked and ended up exchanging numbers and we've talked everyday since. But honestly, he kinda makes me nervous."

"Seriously?! That's so romantic! At the grocery store?! It's like love at first sight!" I shouted.

Both the guys looked over at us with raised brows.

"Sorry! Ignore me. Please." I said in embarassment.

"It's too early for the L word, dumbass! We we've only kissed!" He whisper-shouted.

"Well it's only a matter of time. You'll be in love soon just like m-" I stopped myself at the last part, cursing inwardly at my slip of words. Embarrassing.

I coughed at the end of my sentence, let's hope he didn't hear that. Who says I love you after less than two months? I mean yeah, it happens, it's common but I want it to be meaningful when we finally say those words. Or if we do, I guess.

Liam's hand came down to rest on my thigh. He squeezed my leg, giving me a loving smile, which I returned with the same enthusiasm.

He looked over to me, leaning to whisper in my ear.

"You look beautiful tonight. I don't think I told you that yet." He said.

I planted my lips against his for a sweet kiss just as the waiter came to our table.

The rest of the evening was fantastic. It was filled with laughter and funny stories of our past. There was never a moment of uncomfortable silence.

I really got to know Anthony tonight and he's a really nice guy. I think him and Chris would be good together if he gives it a chance. The sexual tension was definitely there. I swear they were giving sexy eyes to each other the entire night.

Hearing all the stories from Liam's and Anthony's past, I won't lie, it made me a little jealous. They know each other like the back of their hands. I guess me and Chris do too, but I can only hope me and Liam will get to know each other the same way, if not more.

"You ready to head out, beautiful?" Liam asked.

"God yes, I'm so full and to be honest, I really want to fuck." I answered, pouting my bottom lip out.

"Oh my god, Will!" Chris said with wide eyes.

I laughed, "What? It's true!"

I stood up, tugging on Liam's hand to pull him up from his seat.

"Well that's my cue." Liam said, laughing.

"I'll text you, Chris!" I stated, still pulling him towards the door.

He slapped my ass and I yelped loudly, running off to the car giggling.

"Just you wait til we get home." Liam said.

He pushed my back against the car. His hot mouth devoured mine. I wrapped my leg around his calf, urging him closer to me. My hands tangled in his hair, moaning in delight of our skin touching.

I'm so horny I think I'd be willing to have him fuck me right here. But I don't want to get charged for indecent exposure or some shit.

"Lets go home." Liam said, biting down on my neck.

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