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***Warning Mature content ***

William Barlowe

I stretch my arms and wince at the pain in my back. And not the pain I wish it would be. No, it's from sleeping on a couch. Something I haven't done in years. I'm honestly surprised Liam didn't wake me so I could drive home. It's actually surprisingly sweet he let me stay here. I probably would have been way too tired to drive anyways. We did also drink quite a bit of wine as well, so there's that too.

A slight banging from the kitchen steals my attention. Curiousity getting the best of me, I stand from the couch, stretching one last time and walk into the kitchen.

Let me tell you, the sight before me made me mouth water. Not even kidding. He's wearing the same apron as yesterday, but this time he's shirtless underneath it. It's like my fantasy of him yesterday is coming to life. His back muscles... Ugh, I just want to lick every inch of his tanned skin.

"Good morning, did you sleep alright? I'm sorry I let you sleep on the couch, I didn't want to wake you by trying to move you."

"It's okay. I slept pretty good, my backs a bit sore but nothing I can't handle. What're you making?" I questioned with my brow raised.

"I-I thought you m-might be hungry, so i'm cooking up some breakfast."

"Mmm, well it smells delicious in here. Anything I can help with?" I asked while licking my lips at the sight of him. There's many things I'd love to do to this man right now.

Before giving myself the chance to overthink it, I walk towards him until i'm behind him and wrap my arms around his toned abdomen. My palm pressed flat again his bare skin underneath the black apron, slowly sliding it downwards to the place I'm craving most.

"W-what are you doing?" He questioned.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"We... We shouldn't do this. N-Not yet." He protested.

"Why? Do you not want me that way?"

"Of course not! I-I always want you. I crave you...More than I care to admit." He said sheepishly, pink covering his stubble covered cheeks.

"Then what's the problem? I just want to make you feel good." I said with a pout.

"I just don't w-want you to feel like you have to do anything. If we're going to try whatever this is, or if we want it to go anywhere I don't want it to be based solely on a sexual connection." Liam stated with his hand caressing my hand that laid against his abdomen.

"I'm doing it because I want to pleasure you. I want you to feel good. I think you know as well as me that this is way more than just something physical. I won't be giving you up without a fight, Liam."

He released a deep, shaky breath of air while pushing his back into my chest. "Okay."

My lips press against his muscular back and along his shoulders. He smells so fresh, like he just got out of the shower. Mmm.

Grabbing his hips, I turn him around to face me, untying the apron and letting it drop to the ground. The tips of my fingers following along the ridges of his taut abs.

With a final kiss to his neck, I drop to my knees, kissing just above his waistband as i release the draw string to his sweat pants. Did I forget to mention how fucking sexy he looks in sweats? Oh god, there's nothing better than a man in sweats.

"Commando? You're naughty, professor." I swear I felt my pupils dilate as his cock sprung free. His pre come pooling over his head, ready to drip to the floor.

Swiping my tongue across my lips, I grip his length, licking the salty white liquid off him. Even better than I remember.

Liam's hand tangled in my hair as he released a sexy as hell moan from his lips. Oh, i'm going to enjoy this. I'd love to be the one to fuck him one day. I don't know why, but I feel like he'd be into it.

I smirk at the thought before drawing my tongue up his length and wrapping my lips entirely around him, bobbing my head relentlessly over his hardness.

"F-Fuck yes, Will. Your mouth is s-so good."

I take him until his tip hits the back of my throat, looking up at him through my lashes. His dark eyes watching every movement, turning me on even more then I thought possible. I haven't even touched myself and I feel like i'm going to come.

Liam's hand grips the edge of the counter behind him until his knuckles turn white and the veins in his hands slightly bulging out. Must be doing something right.

His hand in my hair tightens and his hips thrust forwards so gently as if he's holding himself back. I'm going to do whatever I can to let this beast come out of him. Fuck, I want him to use me. I want him to take exactly what he wants while he fucks me without abandon.

"W-Will! I'm g-going to come." He pants, digging his nails into my shoulder forcing me to moan out in pleasure.

With a few more thrusts, Liam releases with a shout. His hot come filling my mouth while I grip his ass cheeks tightly in response. I release him with a pop, reach in my pants to take hold of my cock and stroke quickly. 

"Yesss," I moaned out. A few pumps and my release explodes out of me. Literally. The white substance covering my hand, Liam's sweats, his abdomen and the dark wooden floor.

"Sorry about that." I said with a devilish smirk. I'm not sorry at all, in fact I'd be more than happy to come all over him again and again and again.

"You look so beautiful when you come." He pulls me to my feet, holding me close to his chest. His lips descending to my forehead, cheek and finishing with my lips. No one can kiss like this man.

"How about we eat up this food before it gets cold, yea?"

"Yeah, that sounds really good." His eyes connect with mine and I couldn't tell you how long we just looked at eachother, but eventually Liam snapped back to reality, he kisses me slowly one last time and begins to grab out some plates.

We enjoy breakfast in a comfortable silence before it's time for me to get back to my dorm. I could use a nice hot shower and my history professors a bit of a hard ass. Not even giving me extra credit for sleeping with him. Ha, just kidding. I'm not afraid to do it on my own, history has always been easy for me to learn and memorize, but I seriously need to study no matter how much I'd love to lay in bed with this sexy man all day and night.

"Have a good night, okay?" He said.

"You too, Liam. Thanks for an amazing evening." I responded with a genuine smile.

He goes to open the door for me but I stop just before I step out. "I think you're forgetting something."

"W-What's that?" He asked, confused.

"Well for one thing, I didn't get to kiss you goodbye and the second; I'd like to speak with you in a form rather than email. Can I have your number?"

"Oh, of c-course you can."

I take a picture of him and set it as his contact photo before tossing my phone to him.

"A picture? I wasn't even ready!" He complained.

"You look so sexy. Trust me, see for yourself."

"Fine. It's not horrible."

"See, what'd I tell you? Now come here." I said.

With my frame being rather small, my arms wrap around Liam's neck, surprising him by jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. "Oomf!" I smiled at him, kissing him fiercely. "Just to make sure you don't forget me, professor." I whispered quietly.

"I could never forget you, Will."

I'm falling for you, Professor | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now