Thirty Six

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*** Some smut cuz it's been a while 🙊***

Liam Driscoll

We followed Agent Woods back inside to the livingroom. Agent Moore stood from her seat, straightening out her blazer.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

"Ready to go where exactly?" I asked hesitantly.

"This location is not secure to speak openly about our plan. You two will be coming with us to our head office where we can speak freely and go over the details. As we said before, this can not go south. We may not have another chance at this if he gets word the FBI is on his tail." Said Moore.

"Okay." I responded, turning towards Will.
"Do you need anything before we leave?" I asked.

"Oh, and make sure you grab the necklace." Woods said.

"How do you know-" I began.

"It was placed by Agent Crawford. You have it for a reason." He shrugged, heading for the door.
"I'll see you outside. Don't be long."

Will tugged on the back of my shirt to get my attention. I turned back to him and he whispered in my ear. "Can you grab the necklace for me? I just want to talk to my parents before we go."

"Sure, love. Do you need anything else?" I asked.

"No thanks." He responded, kissing my cheek with a blush. Why's he so adorable literally every second of his life? Somehow, even in a time like this he can still manage to make me smile.

I went downstairs while Will went to the kitchen. I decided to still pack him a small bag of clothes, I have a feeling he'll regret not bringing anything if he decides he wants to change. As I was going through his underwear drawer, my eyes went wide and I burst out laughing. Full on belly lighter.

There was a magazine tucked underneath the few pairs of underwear inside. I pulled it out, skimming my eyes over the cover. It was a very large, very muscular man wearing a construction hard hat, a bright orange reflective vest and a pylon held over where his dick would be. He was posing dramatically as if he was thrusting his hips forwards. His body covered in a sheen of what looks like sweat, but obviously it's water. His skin also looked to be oiled up so much that he'd probably start on fire if a flame was put to him. I can't wait to make fun of Will for this, but also maybe l could surprise him dressed like this one day. I know he'd love it.

Okay, back on track. I tucked the magazine back in its place and went upstairs. By the time I got to Will, he was hugging his mom and dad together while she cried. Will's dad gave him a final pat on the back, pulling away and rufffling his hair.

"Love ya, kid. Be safe, alright?" His father said. Then turning his head to me, "You'll keep my boy safe, won't you?" He asked.

"You have my word, I won't let anything happen to your son. He's the love of my life, sir. I will protect him with everything I have." I responded honestly.

He got hurt once, and that will not happen again.

"Oh, you're just so perfect for my little baby." Will's mother cried.

"Mom..." Will said, an embarassed look on his face.

"Good answer, son. Despite everything that's well... Happening. I think you're good for him." He said, pulling me in for a one armed hug.

Will surprised me jumping in my arms, wrapping his arms around my neck. "I love you, you big sap!" Will said smiling brightly.

"Sorry to break up the moment here, but we have to go." Moore said.

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