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***Smut warning***

Liam Driscoll

The week went by quickly, almost too fast if i'm being honest.

Will spent the entire time with me. It's not like he really had anywhere else to go, but I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else.

It's been pure bliss. Cooking meals together, watching movies, cuddling, making love. It's been absolutely perfect. He seemed a little tense, maybe uncomfortable the first couple days, but now he's gone back to his loving, cheeky self.

My feelings for Will have just gotten stronger as the days go on. I'm starting to feel we could actually be something serious. Something really, really good.

The more comfortable I've been getting with him, the less my stutters been appearing, and I can't say i'm upset with that outcome either.

To say I wasn't falling in love with him would be a lie. But I also won't be telling him that until we've been saying at least a few months. I'm not the type of guy to say something like that with only a month of knowing eachother.

What honestly shocked me was telling him about Antonio and the struggles I went through growing up. I never thought I'd be able to tell that to anyone besides Luke and Anthony. And I guess Jasper too. Him and Luke tell eachother everything.

Not many people know the depths of my past, and being that I told every little detail to Will, that's proof of what he means to me. How much he means to me.

As unfortunate as it may be, we got the call yesterday that classes are starting back up again.

That means no more late night movies, having dinner everyday, staying up late and talking... It means time to get back to reality and back to teaching long and boring days.

I helped Will pack up his things this morning, but I hid a couple of his shirts and pants in my drawers, hopefully which I can use as an excuse to come back here. I won't tell him that because it's a little embarassing.

Will comes into the kitchen as i'm cooking, placing his arms around my waist.

"I don't want to go back. I wish this week would never end." He pouted, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

"Me neither, sweetheart." I turned around to pull him into my arms.

"You know you can come back here whenever you like though. I happen to enjoy your company." I said.

"Oh? You mean you're not sick of me yet?" He said cheekily.

"I don't think I could ever get sick of you." I spoke with a serious voice, gently running my thumb along Will's jawline.

"Mm, I could never get sick of you either." He smiled, kissing me softly.

He pulled back and went to sit on the island barstool.

"Want to know what i'm not excited for though?" He asked.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, flipping the eggs on the stove.

"I'm not excited to not be able to kiss you where and whenever I want." He said sadly.

Yeah, i'm not excited for that either.

"I know. Me neither, beautiful." I sighed.

"I-I think we still need to keep our relationship under the wraps. At least try not to get in trouble. And you know, if you are serious about... Being together, you only have a year left of school then you're done." I stated.

"Yeah, that's true. It's not like I can't sneak into your office and give you a lil blowie here and there." He winked.

"Please never say 'blowie' again." I said, chuckling at him. Who even says that. Such a strange man.

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