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Liam Driscoll

I toss my laptop and papers to grade into my bag, placing it over my shoulder. Most of the students have left already, just a few lingering around as they pick up the rest of their belongings.

I expected Will to stay as he usually does, especially on a Friday, but he was out of here in the blink of an eye. I can't tell if he was avoiding me or what. He's acted a bit strange these last few days. Very distant, not very talkative and he's declined coming over the few times I've asked him this week.

Oh, and he hasn't even texted me like I thought he would. Being the idiot I am - I didn't get his number.

It'd be a lie to say I wasn't disappointed.

I thought things were going okay with us... Maybe he's changed his mind. Or he found someone more attractive, or closer in age. 

I shake my head at the thought and take the long walk to my car. To make this day even better, it's raining and I didn't bring an umbrella.

Just what I needed.

I kept my pace the same as usual, I mean if I move faster, I'll be soaked all the same.

I sighed, keeping my head down as I walked. Thankfully I got a waterproof bag, it comes in handy during times like this.


Forty five minutes later, I pull up to my place soaked from head to toe.

I hate the feeling of your clothes being soaked through, the material sticking to your skin. I'm just glad i'm not wearing jeans, wet jeans are the worst.

I run to my house, safe by the cover of my awning, taking my shoes off before heading inside.

I place my bag down on the small table beside the door, walking to my bedroom while leaving wet footprints behind.

I smile at the sight of the steam building up in the bathroom as as I remove my clothes.

After being soaked by the rain, and freezing cold from the wind, it's the best feeling jumping into a hot shower.

A few minutes into washing my hair, the bathroom lights begin flickering, and the sound of booming thunder shaking my house.

Shit, it's getting bad out there.

I wrapped myself in a towel, flicking on the power to the tv in my bedroom. Once I find the weather Channel, the weather reporters voice fills the speakers.

"Good evening, as some of you are already aware, we are experiencing the beginning effects a tropical storm moving our way. It is expected to hit us at approximately 9pm this evening, with the possibility of wind speeds reaching 100 miles per hour. This will be the worst tropical storm in nearly three decades."

"It is recommended by the state of California to stay indoors. The potential for tornadoes, flash flooding and mud slides is high. Please continue to check back for the latest updates at your local news station, stay safe everyone."




"Liam! Hellooo?"


Oh, I must have answered Luke's call without even realizing.

Liam - Sorry, i'm here.

Luke - Did you hear the news? Where are you? Are you safe?

Liam - i'm good. I'm at home, where are you?

Luke - I just got home too. Jasper should be here any moment. Do you want to come over? This storm might get pretty bad. I don't know how I feel about you being alone.

Liam - No, I'm fine. I have some wood in my garage, I'll board up my windows here, and maybe grab some extra food from the store up the road just in case.

Luke - You better do it quick, the storms going to be here in less than four hours! It's already getting nasty out there.

Liam - Dont worry, I have plenty of time. I'll message you when I'm home. Make sure you guys let me know if you need anything too, alright?

Luke - We will. Love you, bro.

Liam - What did I say about calling me bro? You know what - nevermind. I love you too.

I ended the call and quickly threw on some more rain friendly clothes. A warm sweater, some black track pants and a black wind breaker.

Before heading out the door, I put my hood up and ran to the car.


Pulling up to the grocery store was nuts.

A complete and utter shit show.

I found a parking spot close to the back of the lot and grabbed a cart from outside. The second I got through those doors, you'd think I was in the damn jungle. These people are bloody animals.

The shelves are half empty, there's people shouting, fighting over who gets the last toilet paper, or can of soup. I've never seen anything let it before.

I push past the crowd, grabbing the first few canned items I see, a small pack of toilet paper and basically anything that doesn't need to be refrigerated.

And no, I didn't go overboard like the rest of these vulchers. I grabbed just enough to last maybe a week.

I swear I had to slap away more than twenty hands trying to grab the salt and vinegar chips from cart. Damn bastards.


Okay that took way longer than I expected, but I successfully got out of there unscathed and a cart full of groceries.


Two hours left to board up my windows, should be plenty of time. I hope.

I start my car, internally thanking myself for parking far away so it's quicker to get out. The winds picked up and the sky's getting darker as the minutes go.

My phone starts ringing through the Bluetooth speakers of my car, showing as an unknown number. Strange, that never happens.

"Liam Driscoll speaking," I said formally.

"H-Hello? Liam?" The man spoke.

"That's me. What can I do for you?" I asked.

"It's me... Um, Will. I need your help."

"What do you need." I asked, showing little to no emotion in my speech. Doesn't talk to me all week, and now calls me when he needs something. Typical.

"I... Um, there's only two exits to our dorm building and uh... The emergency exit isn't opening and the front door has a tree or something blocking it and I can't get out. No one's here, everyone evacuated hours ago and I didn't know what else to do."

"I'll be right there."

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