Thirty Four

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William Barlowe

We've been driving for a couple of hours now, and finally I spot my parents driveway. We lived just on the outskirts of town on an acreage.

"That's it to the right." I said to Liam. I could see him sigh in relief. He definitely doesn't want to be driving anymore today. I offered to a couple times but he insisted. Eventually I just stopped fighting him on it.

The ride for the most part was pretty silent. I think we were both too exhausted to speak much. I know I am. I feel like absolute shit. Whatever they injected me with really messed with me. I almost feel like I have a really bad hangover. My stomachs nauseous, my head hurts and I can't wait to sleep.

Liam drove slowly up my parents driveway, parking the car near their red Volkswagen Jetta.

The lights in the house were off, but the patio light looked to be on. It's after three am, but sometimes my parents just like to stay up and talk all night by the fire or on the little swing bench they put up in the back. They're both adorable. I hope my relationship is like that with Liam in the future.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Will?" Liam asked.

"We didn't really have any other options, and yes I'm sure. Come on, let's go." I gave him a kiss before getting out of the car. Liam on the other hand pulled down the little mirror in front of him, straightening out his hair. I saw him frown and close the mirror and a few seconds later he came out.

His arms stretched above his head, then he rubbed his palms over his thighs. He was nervous.

"Relax, Liam." I said, pulling him in for a hug.

"I look like a fucking mess Will. They're going to hate me." He sighed.

"Nope. They won't. Promise." I kissed his lips and took his hand. We walked around to the back of the house. I reached over and lifted the latch to open the gate and that's when I saw my parents cozied up beside eachother, wrapped under a blanket in front of a fire.

My mom was taking a sip of her wine when she heard the gate close. Her eyes went wide when she saw me and jumped up from her spot on the seat. My dad just looked confused, but when he saw me he got up with her.

"William! What on earth are you doing here so late? Oh my - what happened to your face! Who is this? Is this the boyfriend you were telling me about?!" She said in shock.

"Nice to see you too, mom." I laughed. "maybe one thing at a time, yeah?"

"Are you alright, son?" My dad asked, concern etched in his features.

"It's a long story... Can we come in?" I asked.

"Oh, of course! I was just telling your father how much I missed you! I'll grab you some blankets. Do you guys want something to drink?" My mom asked.

"Yes, please. Anything's fine." I smiled gratefully.

I took Liam's hand, leading him over to the fire. He sat down in the single person chair and I wasn't having it. I plopped myself right into his lap.

"Will, you shouldn't -" He started.

"Hush, you. They don't care." I smiled, taking his hand and wrapping it around my waist. I just want to be close to him.

My mom came back a couple minutes later, blankets and drinks in hand. She laid the blanket over top of us, setting the drinks on the table beside us.

"So you must be Liam?" My mom asked.

"Oh, um, yes. I am. It's really nice to meet you, ma'am." I could literally feel him blushing from behind me.

"Please, don't call me ma'am, that makes me feel a million years old." She laughed. "You can call me Janice, or Jan. This is my husband Bill." She smiled.

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