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Liam Driscoll

As I wandered down the bustling halls of campus, it makes me realize truly how quickly your life goes by. It feels like just yesterday I was 22, working to get my PhD. It's crazy to think that was 13 long years ago now.

On my way through the building, I picked up a large black coffee from the Starbucks and begin the hike to my car. Campus is huge. Beautiful too, but with only one parking lot for faculty members. Working the complete opposite direction, it leads to an unwanted daily cardio. Don't get me wrong, I love my health and I love lifting weights, staying in shape. But cardio, no. Cardio is not my friend.

The heat from the mid-afternoon day wasn't making the walk any better. After ten minutes, I removed my black blazer, and released the first couple buttons to my grey dress shirt. My tattooed chest partially revealed to the strangers passing by. More often than not, I get people frequently staring at me because of how I look, especially for a college professor. It takes some people by surprise. I'm thankful for my lovely mother who blessed me with a half decent appearance.

Unfortunately she passed away when I was young due to having stage four breast cancer. We hadn't found it in time, and by the time we did it was too late.

My father, he just sort of closed himself off from everyone. No matter how hard me and my brother tried, we couldn't get the life back in him.  We lost our Father the same day we lost our mother.

After half an hour of walking in this godforsaken heat, I reached my car, placing my ridiculously hot coffee on the roof of my white BMW.

I open the door, carefully tossing my laptop bag to the passenger seat, then leaning back out to grab my coffee, but then I see it. A large football soaring through the cloudless sky, directly towards me. Why can't I move? That's a good question. Before I have time to react, the ball perfectly hits the coffee square and center, landing directly onto my grey dress shirt.

"Ah, fuck!" The words released before I could stop them, but fucking hell that burns.

"God damn that burns." I mumbled to myself as I fight with releasing the buttons to my shirt. I need to get this sticky... Mess off of me.

A few seconds after, my shirt is open and my eyes assessing the damage to my skin. That's going to fucking hurt tomorrow. I'll have to stop and get some Aloe Vera from the market.

"Ah hell, my seats. God dammit." My white leather seats covered in the dark liquid, pooling near the back of the seat almost as if it's taunting me. Stupid coffee.

Fully removing my shirt, I set it down over the seat to absorb the remaining coffee. I mean, the shirts already fuckin ruined, why not ruin it some more!

"I am so sorry, sir. I didn't realize how hard I threw the ball and-" he paused for a moment as his jaw clearly dropped after seeing who I was.

"Are you following me?" He asked with a raised brow.

That caught me by surprise. My head jerked out of the car, nearly hitting it on the frame before standing to my full height.

"I'm sorry, uh... following you?" I spoke, slightly confused but a partially amused expression. Why would I be following him? Does he know I think he's attractive?

"I'm just screwing with you, professor. Nice car you got there." He said but his eyes were clearly focused on my bare chest as he spoke. Shit! I completely forgot I didn't have a shirt on.

"I apologize for my lack of... Clothes. The coffee kind of ruined my shirt." I said, scratching the nape of my neck.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll buy you a new one, but I can't say I mind seeing you without it. You've got a nice body hidden under there, professor."

He spoke confidently at first, but after what he said clicked in his head, I could see the panic forming in his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Wow, that was super forward. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." His cheeks were crimson, flushed bright pink in the most adorable way.

"It's fine. Don't worry about the shirt either, I've got plenty. I'll see you tomorrow, Will." I gave him a smile, followed by a two finger salute that I immediately regretted once I got in my car.

William didn't seem phased by it though, he gave me a beautiful smile and wave in return.

I pulled out of the lot, chest burning from the fresh coffee spilling on me and a strange feeling pooling deep in my gut.

After stopping at the grocery store, thankfully I had a fresh white t-shirt in the duffel bag in my back seat. I purchased some Aloe Vera and a few items for home.

Once I arrived at my quaint one story home, I carried my groceries inside and put everything away in its designated spot. It's still strange having a place of my own, yeah it's been nearly a decade, but I never purchased a home or rented an apartment from being able to travel so many years after college, there was no need. Those were the best times of my life.

I never really made this place my home because I don't think I really know what home is anymore. Antonio was my home, and when I lost that, I lost a part of myself. This... Architecture, this building... It's nothing more than a place to sleep and eat.

All the furniture was purchased by an interior designer I had hired a few years back, the less personal items and belongings the better. That way if I lose it, it'll hurt less. Things that don't have an emotional hold on me.

The photos and belongings from my time with Antonio sit neatly stored in two boxes deep in my attic. I haven't been able to bring myself to look at them since they've been packed away. It just... Hurts too much.

I wish so badly he could be here with me, living the life we were supposed to have together. The immense guilt continues to eat me alive to this day. If he's gone, why do I deserve to love and be happy? I deserve to suffer for what happened. To be alone. It should have been me that day, not him.

The rest of my evening consists of eating dinner for one, and yet another sleepless night.

Okay, I'm excited for this one! Thoughts ?!

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