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***Tw: A few homophobic comments in this chapter.***

Liam Driscoll

I lifted Will in my arms and slammed our bodies into the front door of my house. I just can't control myself tonight. I couldn't wait another second to get my hands on him. Our chests pressed together firmly, my hands wandering down to his ass, gripping him tightly. I loved the feeling of him squirming against me, silently begging for more.

He moaned impatiently as his legs wrapped tightly around my waist. Our mouths hungrily fought for dominance in a bruising, passionate kiss.

"You're like a dream come true, Will." I mumbled into his neck, dragging my teeth along his soft skin. He moaned sweetly into my ear, squeezing his legs tighter to me.

I heard a sound of something inaudible from the side of the porch. My body stiffened, and not in the place I wished it would be.

My head cranked to the side to the one and only man I haven't seen in years.

My father.

"What are you doing here?" I spat out, setting Will to the ground.

"I see you're still a little fairy. Still the same as your brother I'm assuming?" He glared at the two of us. A slight slur in his words.

"What did you just say?" I questioned, feeling the anger welling in my chest.

"Faggots. You... You know, whatever you're called nowadays." He said with a wave of his hand as if dismissing the words he just spoke.

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's the first thing you say to me after not seeing me for all these years? How do you even know where I live?" I said, taking slow, purposeful steps towards him.

"All I ever wanted was for my kids to have a nice family. A wife... Children. You know, a proper lifestyle." He sighed. "I think your mother would be disappointed in the two of you for living this w-way."

"Clearly all that drinking's done wonders for you over the years." I said.

"Now tell me what the fuck you want, or I'm calling the cops in thirty seconds. Will, get your phone ready." I quickly turned to his direction and he nodded in response.

"You really going to throw your old man away like that? You're going to call the cops on your own family?!" He said, his voice raising with every word, stumbling as he approached me.

"I haven't considered you family in years. Now for the last time, why are you here!" I yelled.

"I'm in a bit of a rut." He said with a shrug to his shoulders.

"A rut? That's rich. What, did Luke finally have enough of your bullshit? Is that why you're here? Because he wouldn't give you anymore money?" I questioned.

"Luke has nothing to do with this! It's the least you could do! You know, it's all your fault right?" He said.

"What's my fault? What the hell are you talking about?" My brows scrunched together in confusion at his words.

"Isn't it obvious? Your mother getting sick. It's all your fault. Both of you kids. She's dead because of you. I lost the love of my life because of you!" He said viscously.

"My fault? My fault? So I just gave my mother breast cancer? You're sick in the fucking head!" I shouted, pushing his drunk ass into the railing of my porch.

"Don't you ever say mom's death was my fault! You can't blame someone getting cancer on another person!"

"She died because we couldn't afford to get her surgery and chemo. She insisted on paying for your stupid little speech therapy sessions and refused to get the surgery! How is it not your fault?" He shouted.

It was like someone struck me in the back of the head with a large brick. My head felt light, and the world around me blurring. Tears filled me eyes at his admission. Is it true? Did she really not get her surgery because

"You're lying! It-It's not my fault! I was just... Just a kid!" I said.

When they found the cancer, it was already stage four... They said it was terminal. It was spreading... How could this be my fault. I don't understand.

"If you were just born normal we wouldn't have had this problem. She'd still be here! With me!" He spoke angrily.

"I'm not giving you shit! You deserve nothing from me. I will never give you a dime. Fuck you for even blaming something like this on me." I grabbed him with all my might and threw him to the ground.

"T-The cops are on their way. They heard everything so I suggest you leave now unless you want to go to jail." Will spoke quietly from behind me.

"You heard him. Get the fuck up and get out of here! And if you ever come back, I won't hesitate to hold you here until the cops actually arrive."

"You're going to regret this, kid. I'll make you regret the day you were even born. I know things. Things that will tear your little world up in shreds. But I'll save that for another time. See you soon, my dear son." He stood up, stumbling drunkenly down the few steps and into the night.

What the fuck just happened.

I stood there silently for a few minutes, just watching the empty street. Watching him disappear further and further down the dark sidewalk.

A gentle hand comes down over my shoulder, then Will's sweet voice breaks the silence.

"A-Are you okay, Liam?" He whispered quietly.

I nodded my head slowly up and down, not saying a word.

What did he mean my world will be torn to shreds? I don't get it. What the hell would he know that I don't know? It's not like we've had a relationship with eachother in almost a decade, and even before that, I wouldn't consider what we had before a relationship either.

"We'll still have to make a statement with the police... They should be here any minute. Do you want a drink or something?" Will questioned.

"Just a water?" I asked.

"Of course. I'll be right back." Will kissed my cheek lovingly before heading inside.

We spent the next hour talking to the police. They explained we can file for a restraining order if we wanted, but other than that, there isn't much they could do since he wasn't there and technically he didn't do anything besides trespassing on my property, which apparently isn't a big deal to them.

I shrugged it off and we went inside together, moving silently to the bedroom.

I stripped off my clothes as quickly as I could, flopping down face first against my pillow. Will chuckled quietly at that, and I turned my head towards him with a small smile of my own.

"Can we just lay together tonight? Is that okay?" I asked.

I don't want to seem like an old, boring man for not wanting to have sex tonight. Believe me, at the beginning of the night, I wanted nothing more. But now, now I just wanted to hold William close to me and forget the second half of the evening ever happened.

Well besides when we were at the car before we left the bar. That part I don't want to forget. Everything else after that? I just want erased from my mind.

"Of course I wanna cuddle! Is that even a question? We have plenty of time to have sex. You know I love cuddling, so get that look off your face and wrap your arms around me." Will said firmly.

"When did you become so bossy?" I smirked, jumping in and pulling Will into my embrace. He yelped in surprise when I grabbed him. He wasn't expecting that.

"You're adorable." I said, laughing.

"Whatever! You scared me, asshole!" He complained.

I smiled in delight, kissing his temple as his head rested against my chest.

"Get some sleep, Liam, okay? It's been a long night and I think you could do with some rest." He spoke sincerely.

"Only for a kiss." I said.

He tilted his head up, kissing my sweetly while placing his arm around my bare abdomen.

"Sweet dreams, Liam."

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