Twenty Nine

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A/N - A nice long chapter and some smut. 🙊 it's near the end so if u wanna skip go ahead !
Happy Friday!!!

William Barlowe

I finished getting dinner ready and everything placed out on the table and Liam still hasn't come downstairs. I thought he was just picking up some glass? It shouldn't take that long... Right?

Unless... What if he's overthinking everything that happened earlier. What if he just said I love you because I said it and it'd be awkward if he didn't say it back. No, no. Stop over thinking, brain. He loves me. I saw it in his eyes. I know how he feels about me. He doesn't say things if he doesn't mean them. That much I do know.

I sighed and quietly walked down the hall to the entrance of the attic. "Liam?" I called out.

I felt a cold sensation running through my veins as I stepped up the stairs. Please don't be dead. God, why am I so dramatic? He's not dead. He's going to be right - ah, right there. I sighed in relief once I saw Liam sitting on the ground in the center of the attic.

"Liam?" I called out again, taking the last step up and walking towards him.

"What're you doing? Are you okay?" I asked.

He still didn't answer. I tapped his shoulder and he whipped his head towards me, looking utterly confused. "What?" Is all he said.

"What is that? No fucking way. Is that what I think it is?!" I shouted, peeking into the open floor board.

"How the hell did you find that? Why is it here?" I questioned.

"I... Don't know? I don't know, I just stepped over it and it sounded strange and then the board came loose and I-I saw it in there." He spoke quickly.

My heart was beating quickly and I'm sure Liam's was too. "This is all sorts of fucked up!" I exclaimed.

"This isn't good, Will. How the hell did this get in here?!" He shouted. "Do you know what this is worth? Millions of dollars, Will! I shouldn't have this. Fuck fuck fuck." He was full in panic mode and to be honest so am I. I have no idea what the hell to do, or what the hell this means.

"I need to go see Mctavish. He'll know what to do with it. He can handle it. Whatever this is, I don't want any part in it." Liam said.

"Who's Mctavish?" I asked.

"He was my old boss. Our labs or office you could say is out by Barstow. 6 hour drive give or take. I need to go there. Today." He said.

"My hometown is actually a couple hours away from there. I grew up in Lake Isabella. If things um, go well... Maybe on the way home we could stop and see my parents?" I asked with a blush.

"I've actually been meaning to speak with you about that. That sounds perfect, love." He responded.

"Do you have enough clothes here to bring with? We'll probably be gone at least the night, maybe a couple." He said.

"Yeah, I have like a whole drawer, remember?"
I grinned.

"Right. Right, how could I forget?" He smiled back. I still wonder how all those clothes got there. My suitcase was definitely lighter when I brought it back to my dorm after the storm. I think Liam had something to do with it, but I can't say I'm disappointed. That just means he wants me here as much as I want to be here. The thought had me grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"We'll eat dinner, pack and get on the road. We'll get there pretty late so we'll get a hotel and go straight to the lab in the morning." He said, reaching his hand in and grabbing the necklace.

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