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Liam Driscoll

"Will! Come on, we've gotta go!" I yelled, checking my watch.

He's such a diva sometimes, I swear. He'd kill me if I said that out loud so that's a though that will stay sealed tight in my brain.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Sorry!" Will shouted, speeding around the corner and slamming into my chest.

"Woah baby, slow down." I said, chuckling.

"Sorry! There was a stupid hair that just wasn't going in place." He pouted.

"Don't worry about it, we've got time to get ready at the hotel before the wedding, that's why we're going early." I said, running my hand through Will's hair. I placed a kiss on his forehead pulling him out the door of our home.

God, that's so nice to say. Our home. The past couple months have been pure bliss living together. Of course we've had a few arguments here and there, but it's been almost half a year since we've been together now and we still haven't gotten out of our honeymoon faze as some people call it. I don't think we ever will either.

We drove to the hotel with the music blasting and Will dancing to some horrible pop song, but I deal with it for him. He's adorable when he starts singing and dancing in the car. It always brightens my day. And today's going to be a good one, I'm sure of it.

We pulled up to the front of the hotel where Luke and Jasper's wedding is being held. Once I got out, the smile that was on my face quickly disappeared. "Will, stay in the car for a moment."

He closed the door, keeping his eyes out the window. Once he saw him, his brows furrowed together just the same as mine.

"What are you doing here?" I glared at the man in front of me.

"Is that any way to talk to your father?! Its bad enough you kicked me out of your life, now you've got Luke turned against me!" My father shouted, gaining the attention from a few bystanders.

I grabbed him by the arm, dragging him to the side of the hotel. I put my finger up to Will to say I'll be a minute, he nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" He yelled.

"This isn't the time nor the place for your stupid games! Luke didn't invite you. How did you even know where to go?!" I scowled at him.

"I could care less about this stupid wedding. Being with a man is one thing but getting married to one?! It's disgusting." He grimaced.

"Are you kidding me right now? You're pathetic. Get out of here or I'm calling the cops." I seethed.

"I'll go quietly if you give me some money." He said. I laughed loudly. Of course.

"That's the only reason you came here, right? To get money from Luke on his wedding day? Your days of guilting us are over. We're no longer going to be supporting you and your addiction. You need help." I said.

"Yeah? Well maybe you should think that your life isn't so perfect like you make it out to be! You know your little ex boyfriend Antonio is still alive, right? He couldn't even handle you. You're a disgrace to your family and to your lovers." He chuckled menacingly.

"Your words don't affect me anymore. For your information yeah, I do know Antonio is alive. I don't know if you were trying to surprise me and make yourself seem like a good father for telling me that, but you're not. It's even worse that you've seen to know for some time now and didn't tell me. You're not getting a dime from either of us. So unless you get some help, get the fuck out of here." I shoved him into the wall roughly. 

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