Thirty One

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William Barlowe

What I thought was the best idea, turned out being the absolute worst. I shouldn't have worn a god damn butt plug. My horny brain took over. I mean, I wasn't thinking I'd be running for my life today.

Now I'm out of breath, currently getting chased by Liam's very much alive ex lover, trying not to come because this fucking plug keeps hitting my prostate, and I had the greatest pleasure of walking into Mctavish's office while Liam has a gun pointed at his head. Yeah, it's a lot. At least that was a real boner killer. I'm having a great day.

I stood frozen in the doorway, my eyes wide. Mctavish turned his attention towards me, glaring daggers through my soul. Literally. His eyes are such a dark brown they look black. Maybe he's a demon.

"W-what the hell is going on?" I asked nervously, panting for air.

"Will, baby, please get out of here." Liam said.

"No, I'm not leaving you, are you stupid?!" Okay that was mean, but come on. Does he really think I'm going to leave him here?! He dies, I die. I'm not leaving here without the love of my life. My other half as Liam said.

"Enough chit-chatting!" Mctavish yelled. "You! Sit over there." He pointed to the chair beside Liam with his gun in hand. "And you, Liam, don't move a fucking muscle!"

"Come on, man, why are you doing this? What happened to you?!" Liam shouted.

"You weren't this person all those years ago. This isn't you. I-I told you I'd give you the necklace, what more do you want?!" He yelled again.

"What do I want? What do I want?! I want to know why the fuck you had this in the first place! Do you know how long I've been searching for this? Years, Liam! And all this fucking time you had it?!"

"Who are you working for? How did you steal this from me?! Do you take me for some sort of fool?" He spat out angrily, slamming his fist against the top of his desk.

Yeah, I hope that hurt.

"I told you I didn't take it! I fucking found it planted in my house! For all I know you were the one who put it there!" Liam seethed.

"Me? Why would I give you millions of dollars for free?" Mctavish laughed. "That's the payout I've needed for nearly the last 9 years and it was right under my fucking nose this entire time?!" He yelled.

"Look, I don't know who put it there, but this has nothing to do with me, you bastard!" Liam said.

I looked around the room, taking in my surroundings. There's no way in hell I will let him put a single finger on my Liam.

I looked at Liam. He was keeping himself pretty composed for the most part. His have held a neutral expression, he had his fingers interlocked together as he leaned back in his chair, looking up at Mctavish.

He saw me looking at him; I moved my eyes over to the laptop on his desk and back to him. He shook his head no. He knows exactly what I'm thinking.

To be honest I think it's a great idea.

How the hell else does he think we're going to get out of here? Fly?

He's not going to let us go, even after he gets the necklace otherwise we'd be gone by now.

Mctavish was paying me no mind, which was perfect. Except for the fact that the door to his office swung open.

"Boss! We have an intrud- oh fuck." Antonio spoke.

Liam's head whipped around so fast at the voice. The look on his face, it broke my heart. Years of pain, anger, sadness, grieving all for nothing.

All just to confirm it wasn't real. Nine long years of not living your life. Of not being happy. All because of one individual person who's standing right in front of us.

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