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William Barlowe

As I lay in the darkness of my dorm room, my mind can not stop going back to him.

Professor Driscoll.

That man, fuck. He's the definition of a man. He's sexy, refined, and most definitely easy on the eyes. His skin is golden. Tanned with a near perfect complexion. Short black hair that's shaved on the sides and slightly longer on the top. Just long enough to pull on. God, wouldn't that be something. It would be an honor to sleep with that man. To feel him deep inside of me... Shit, I need to get myself laid.

His deep brown iris's are nearly black from afar. Eyes that could devour my soul and I'd be happy with that. He hasn't even done anything and i'm hooked on him. I want to know everything about him.

It was hard not to miss the way he kept eyeing me up in class no matter how discreet he was trying to be. I still saw him. His piercing eyes practically undressing me.


Finally, I was able to get to sleep after giving into the fantasies my mind created. I pleasured myself to the thought of professor Driscoll bending me over his desk and fucking me hard from behind. It felt so real, like I could hear his grunts and moans as if it were actually happening. My dildo burried deep inside of me, wishing it were him. God, it felt good. It took everything to not scream out his name as I came.

Thank god I got lucky and was given a single dorm to myself. It's a dream in university to have your own space. Not having to share with some random guy who could potentially be homophobic or just a down right slob.

A quick shower in my personal bathroom and i'm out the door. Not bothering to style my hair, I threw on a charcoal grey bunnyhug and some black jeans.

Checking my watch, I realized I was late. The lecture hall is a ten minute walk and class starts in five. Clutching the straps of my backpack, I decided to run.

And I ran like hell. I didn't want to be late for the second day of my history class. I don't want to lose any moment of seeing that gorgeous man.

And learning of course...

I charged through the students, dodging left and right until finally reaching my destination. I pulled the large glass door open, slamming my face into a large brick wall.

Okay, not a brick wall. More like a chest made of complete steel.

"Oh for fuck sakes, not again." The man spoke, sighing loudly.

Only then did I realize the burning sensation and dark liquid spilled between the two of us.

"I am so, so sorry." I spoke quickly, attempting to dab his chest with the sleeve of my sweater.

"Mr. Barlowe, why am I not surprised? You're quite the clumsy man, aren't you."

Oh no.

Wait, how'd he know my last name?

"P-Professor D-Driscoll," I started.

"I don't think using the sleeve of your sweater is going to take the stain out, Will. It's okay." He said with a small but strained smile.

His large hand landed on mine, peeling it off of his chest. It felt like he squeezed it, almost as if he didn't want to let go. Probably my imagination though.

"You're lucky after yesterday's incident I decided to bring some extra clothing to work."

"I don't know what's going on with me, I swear I'm not usually this clumsy." I answered, feeling extremely embarrassed.

He let out a deep, vibrating laugh. A sound I could listen to every second of the day. "I have an extra t-shirt I can lend you if you'd like."

"Oh, um, are you sure? I don't want to be an inconvenience to you."

"It's not an inconvenience. I'll tell the class I will be a few minutes late and we will head down to my office."

He doesn't leave room to respond as he walked through the doors of the lecture hall, coming out a few short minutes later.

"Follow me. This way." He said.

A few turns later and he's opening the door to a beautiful sun lit office. A wall of artifacts he seemed to collect caught my attention right away. 

"They're beautiful." I muttered quietly.

"Thank you. They've taken quite some time to locate and collect over the years, but they're good to have for my studies and lectures."

"Here, you can take this one." He tossed me a casual black t-shirt that was far too big for my frame.

"Thanks, I'll bring it back to you next class." I began lifting my sweater over my head, revealing my bare chest to him. He visibly froze and I swear, I swear I saw his eyes fill with hunger. The same hunger I felt last night thinking about my dreamy professor.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Hm, maybe I could have some fun with this.

"I'm just changing, professor. Why, do you like what you see?" I asked in a low sensual tone, carefully trailing my finger down the center of my chest with purpose. I relished in the way his pupils dilated, following every movement of my finger. He noticeably gulped before averting his gaze.

"This is not appropriate behavior Mr. Barlowe." He said in a strained voice, sounding like he was battling not to pounce on me this second. I can't say I'd complain. I'd be more than happy to skip out on class to have sex with my professor. Hell yes. You can bend me over anytime, daddy.

I don't even know what's coming over me. This behavior, these thoughts... I've never had them for anyone other than this man who I know nothing about. When I see him, it's like all common sense fly's right out the window.

Feeling bold, my hand ran back up my chest, gently squeezing my right nipple.

"Oh, my... Will, you need to stop. Please put your shirt on."

"You don't want me?" I put on a fake pout, wanting to keep teasing this well put together man. He seems like he needs someone to ruffle his feathers. Someone to put a loop in his repetitive routine.

"It's not that I... Ahem, I do it's just, ah fuck, I mean I don't," he took a flustered breath before speaking again.

"I - William, I can't do this with you." He said sternly before walking out from his office.

Okay maybe too far.

I grabbed the delicious scented shirt off the chair beside me, placed it over my head and walked out slightly embarrassed with myself. I can't believe I did that. To my professor? A man who's older and much wiser then myself. A man who probably thinks of me as nothing more than a foolish kid.

I'm still young, only being 25 but maybe he thinks that's too much of a difference.

Once I arrived to class, I sat far in the back, tuning out the rest of his lecture.

I'm falling for you, Professor | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now