Thiry Three

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Liam Driscoll

"Will, baby. We're getting out of here."  I whispered to him.

He looked confused as I flashed him the knife discreetly. His brows raised in question, but not saying a word in response. He nodded his head and looked around. I did the same, making sure no one was going to come barging through the door. That wouldn't be good.

I don't know if it was Antonio or Greg who left this for us, but all I care about is getting the hell out of here and to some place safe. I flipped the blade of the knife open, slowly and carefully attempting to cut the rope around my other wrist.

The knife was sharp so it didn't take long. Once I got it free, I stretched and turned my wrist. Damn that felt good. Those ropes were tight.

Instead of jumping up from the chair and risking us losing time to escape, I stayed still in my seat, reaching behind me and feeling for the ropes around Will's wrists.

"Ouch!" Will shouted.

"Shit, did I cut you? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, you just knicked me. I think. I-It's okay. Please hurry." Will responded.

I cut the last piece of the rope and it fell to the ground. He pulled his hands forwards, and he was right. There was about a two inch cut along the side of his wrist. It was bleeding pretty bad, but I don't think deep enough to need stitches. Well, maybe it is. I don't know, I'm not a physician.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I said worriedly to him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Still alive, aren't I?" He smiled through his tears.

"I'll get you all wrapped up once we get out of here, love. I promise." I said to him.

I took the knife, quickly cutting the rope around my legs then Will's. Now we need to work fast. There might not be someone watching us right now, but I can't take the risk. I have no idea how many men he has in this facility.

I grabbed the scrunched paper from my pocket, reading the numbers out to Will. "863109 hurry, love."

"I'm trying!" He said in a frustrated tone.

"Sorry. Sorry. I'm just a little anxious." He said.

"It's fine baby. Let's get out of here." I squeezed his shoulder as he finished typing in the code.

There was a buzzing sound, then the light above the keypad lit up green. "Yes!" We shouted simultaneously.

I grabbed the handle of the door, it creaked open. I poked my head out and from what I saw, the hall was clear. Not a soul in sight.

I checked my back pockets, smiling once I felt my keys still inside them. Idiot's didn't even think to take my keys. I grasped my hand into Will's, moving quietly down the hall, sticking as close to the wall as possible.

It was dark, and slightly cooler down here, making me think they have us in the basement. I noticed a set of elevators ahead, but then saw the stairs and thought that would be the safest way of getting out of here. No way am I going to be dumb like the kids in those horror movies.

We take it, and I can guarantee you one hundred percent, someone will be waiting for us on the other side. Except it won't be some demon creature, it'll be men surrounding us with guns. Which is almost worse. Well, not today baby.

I plan on getting out of here alive and posession free.

The hall we were walking down split off at the end. You could go left or right. There were signs above saying stairs to the left, elevators on the right. Nice and convenient.

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