Thirty Five

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Liam Driscoll

Will's mother spoke from the other side of his bedroom door saying someone was here.

Will got up from the bed and ran to the door, nearly face planting to the ground in the process.

"Um, did they say who was here?" Will asked nervously.

"Just come upstairs sweetheart. Please hurry." She said.

Will closed the door quickly, looking at me in full on panic mode.

"Liam! What the hell are we going to do?! We could try to escape, but i don't think I can run fast enough and I can't leave my parents here and I don't know what to do! Oh god, were going to die aren't we?! I should have told my mom what kind of flowers I wanted at my funeral! Shit! Maybe it's not too late, I can still-"

"Okay. Will? Will, baby. Calm down." I placed both my arms on his shoulders. "It could be someone else, right? Let's not freak out yet. Get dressed and we'll go upstairs." I said calmly.

"Right. Okay, yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom. Wait for me please?" He said.

"Of course I will, love." I responded, walking towards the dresser.

Maybe it's Mctavish, or Antonio... But if it were them, I'm sure they'd have taken us already. While Will was in the bathroom, I searched through his drawers and ended up finding a few shirts in a larger size. Little asshole probably knew those were in there. I'll have to get him back for this one day.

"Um.... Liam?" Will said, stepping back into the room.

"Yeah?" I answered, turning around to face him.

"Where'd you get that?" He was holding the necklace that started this all, dangling between his fingers.

"Um, I-I don't know? It was on the bathroom floor... I was just picking up my jeans and it... It was there?" Will said.

"Okay, you know what, uh, just put it in your dresser for now. Let's go up and see what this commotion is all about then we'll deal with this after." I said, taking the necklace from his hands.

"Okay. Good idea." He responded.

I placed the necklace underneath a couple t-shirts and followed Will upstairs.

We stepped through the front door, and were instantly hit with a gust of wind.

"Somebody please tell me why the hell there is a helicopter on the front lawn?! Are those police? What the hell, are we going to jail?!" Will was freaking out. He backed his body back inside the house slamming the door before I get a chance to get out. I did my best not to show what I was truly feeling to help keep him calm, but inside I am freaking the fuck out. What if he's right? What if we're being framed and they're trying to pin this on us?

I tightly held onto Will's hand, leading us outside to where his parents were standing. The helicopters propellers began to slow, indicating they've turned it off. I couldn't even count the number of black SUV's they have parked out front. This is ridiculous.

There were men and woman in suits, a couple wearing dark sunglasses and a group of them spread out holding onto large guns, suited up like they're ready for war.

"It's okay, baby." I whispered to Will, kissing his cheek.

Two people began approaching us. A slightly older man maybe mid fifties with dark brown hair and a woman around the same age with blonde hair, tied tightly into a ponytail. They were both wearing dark pantsuits with badges attached to their slacks.

"Good morning, gentleman. I'm going to assume you are Liam Driscoll and William Barlowe?" The woman asked.

"Yes, that would be us. How can I, um, help you?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

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