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A/N: I wrote chapter 18 and 19 as one, but it got a little long so I separated it to two. Two released today and should have chapter Twenty out tomorrow. 😘

William Barlowe

"There is no way in hell that actually happened, Will!" Chris shouted.

"I'm telling you, dude! It was so fucking hot!" I exclaimed, sitting at the edge of the couch bouncing excitedly.

"And he was so into it, I thought he was going to stop me, but nope! He was loving it!" I said with a grin.

"Holy shit! You could have gotten expelled! What if he found you down - oh my god do you think he would have joined? Have a little impromptu three some?!" His eyes went wide at the thought.

"The deans like sixty years old, Chris! No thanks! That's a little too old for me, plus he's not even hot." I rolled my eyes.

"I would have done it! Man that would be a dream!" Chris said.

Now it's my turn for my eyes to go wide.

Did he really just-

"Chris! Did you just admit to wanting a threesome with two guys?!  And Don't think about my man like that! Hold on - Wait! What? Are you gay? Holy shit did you just out yourself to me?! Why didn't you tell me!" I shouted in shock and excitement and happiness and every other good emotion you can think of.

I jumped up and flung myself into Chris' lap excitedly. "I can't believe my best friends gayyy! This makes me so happy!" I sung happily.

"Will! You're so embarrassing! God. I don't know if I'm gay... I'm confused! I met this guy and he's... Well, he's beautiful. And kind, and patient and he's hot as hell. All that mushy shit. And he likes me. He likes me, and it's confusing as hell because - I actually don't have a reason, but it's confusing!"

"You're definitely gay, Chris. It's pretty obvious." I said with an amused grin.

"Why the hell is it obvious? How is it obvious to you and not me?!" His jaw was slack and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why? Because your dick is hard." I stated.

"Oh my god! Get off me, you prick! Why would you even point that out!" He shouted, blushing furiously. He grabbed the nearest pillow placing it over his crotch.

"Whatever. It wasn't from you! I was... I was thinking about him. I don't like you that way!" He said, blushing again.

"I'm not making fun of you, dude. It was a little funny but don't worry. Nice to know that pecker you got in there's not a tiny one." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

Man, I love making him uncomfortable.

"I'm a little offended you thought my dick was tiny!" He punched me in the arm, and it would have hurt if I weren't laughing so hard.

"In all seriousness, I hope you know it's okay to be gay. You don't have to rush into anything, and I hope this guy isn't pushing you too hard. You need to come to accepting yourself at your own time and no one else's. You got it?" I said.

"I know it's okay to be gay. I'm friends with you, aren't I?" He laughed. "But I'm not embarrassed to be gay. That's not it at all. it's just a little overwhelming. I've always thought I liked girls, you know? Now it's like out of nowhere, this guy comes in and practically sweeps me off my feet and I don't know what do do. I don't know how to act. I haven't even thought about kissing a guy besides you when we're drunk, but that's not like in an intimate, sexual way, you know? We kissed once and god, Will, it was magical."

"If this guy's serious about you, and wanting to be together he will give you time. Don't dive into the deep end before you're ready and you know what to expect." I said.

"Oh, I know what to expect. I've watched a lot of gay porn this last week and it was hot."
Chris said, fanning himself dramatically.

"You're ridiculous." I laughed.

I leaned back, resting my head on the back of my couch, stretching my legs. Chris did the same on the opposite side.

"So, how are you and your sexy professor really doing? He's treating you good?" Chris asked.

"He treats me amazing. We still have a lot to learn about each other, but honestly last week when I had to stay with him, we connected with each other so deeply. He's smart, handsome, kind, and he's a fucking god in bed. I can't imagine him not being in my life anymore. I'm really falling for him Chris." I said.

"Well I'm glad you didn't answer my texts that day. I was going to get you to come with me back home. But it sounds like things went how the way they were meant to be." He smiled.

Chris was smart and actually paid attention to the new reports that day. He went back to his parents place a few hours away, which is actually where I'm from. We've known each other since he moved there in high school and we've been inseparable ever since.

He didn't go to university with me, but he did move down here at the same time I did to work. Said he was tired of being in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, which are his words, not mine. I went to school for a few years taking random courses until I figured out what I wanted to do, which was archaeology.

"I'm glad you found someone like Liam. I think he'll treat you right. But I still need to do my best friend interrogation so we need to go out together. Deal?"

"Go out? Like where? Wouldn't that be a little weird just the three of us? I don't want you to feel like you're third wheeling." I said.

"Maybe I'll ask that guy to come... You can let me what you think of him and tell me if I'm making a horrible mistake or an amazing life changing one." He smiled nervously.

"So a date then? That won't give the guy the wrong impression?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, flipping the tv on.

"It's whatever. A date isn't like we're proposing marriage or some shit. If I'm going to see where this goes, it starts with the approval of my best friend. Because if you hate him, then I'm going to hate him. I just hope that's not the case."

"I think you like this guy a little more than you're admitting, Chrissy pooh." I made obnoxious kissing sounds to him, which ended up with me getting whacked in the face with a pillow.

"Asshole!" I complained.

"Shut up and watch the movie! No more embarrassing your best friend, it's rude!" He shouted back.

I could tell he was trying to be serious, but Chris never is. We both started laughing until we couldn't laugh anymore.

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