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The summer sky

Jungkook let out a deep breath when he finally managed to get his suitcase up the last stairs. He was tired and decided to take a seat to catch his breath.

From where he sat, he could see the football field, a number of students where doing laps around the field, some, who by their outfits where cheerleaders,  practicing their cheers.

Seoul high school, Jungkook still couldn't believe it, he was here. And it looked a whole lot better than it did in the pamphlet he was given.

The sun was shinning through the trees, it almost looked magical. The school was filled with trees and flowers, and students in varying numbers where all over the place in groups.

Jungkook checked his watch, he still had about twenty minutes to get to the office. He stood up to continue his journey, he could still fell a pang in his chest from being so tired, "goodness I am so unfit" he mumbled to himself.

He checked his little note again before knocking at the office he stopped in front off.

"Come in" a voice came from the other side of the door.

Jungkook awkwardly pulled his suitcase inside along as he walked in. The person in the room was covered by a computer in front of them and he didn't know what to do.

He was about to say something, when suddenly a lady stood from behind the computer.

She smiled warmly at him, "I am sorry I was just finishing up something" she said as she moved from her desk.

"Please, have a seat" she said ushering Jungkook to the couch. "Thank you" Jungkook replied as he sat.

"My name is Mrs. Park" the lady said as she extended her hand to greet Jungkook, "it's so nice to finally meet you" she said with a smile.

Jungkook knew who she was, on paper, today he finally got to meet her. He knew she knew who he was, but he still felt the need to introduce himself too.

"I am Jeon J Jungkook" he said. This made Mrs. Park laugh a little, "I know, I know" she said finding the boy to be very adorable.

Jungkook's big curious eyes scanned the office, he noticed a few painting hanging on the wall. Everything in the room was neatly packed, he couldn't help but be impressed.

"The paper work has already been done, how about I tell you a bit more about the school while we go to the hostels" Mrs. Park suggested.

"Okay" Jungkook replied.

The school was big, Jungkook felt so small. They passed by a couple of students who stopped to greet Mrs. Park.

It was summer, the girls had skirts and dresses on, the boys wore shorts for the summer uniform. Mrs. Park noticed Jungkook observing them.

"We have your uniform prepared already" she said assuringly, which made Jungkook smile a little.

The rest of the way, Mrs. Park briefed Jungkook on a couple of things about the school. Where the dinning hall was, the classes and other facilities. Jungkook was nodding along, hoping that he would remember all those places, given how big the school was.

"If you need anything, just come to my office okay, you can also inform your home room teacher or art teacher" Mrs. Park said as they arrived at the hostel.

She gave him a note with a few phone numbers on it, he recognized the name Kim N Namjoon, he was the professor at the art school he was going to attend. He was also the man responsible for his scholarship.

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