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Jungkook wasn't sure for how long he has been on the bus or where it was going.

"Hey there" it was the driver walking towards him, "this is the final stop" he said. "o, am sorry, I didn't notice" Jungkook said getting up.

The old man looked at him and sighed, "are you okay ?" he asked, looking at how the boy was soaking wet, he was definitely not fine. "Yes, I am okay, I am sorry for troubling you" he said wanting to leave the bus.

The old man smiled gently at him, " wait here" he said going back to the driver's seat. From where he was, Jungkook could here some ruffling sound.

Soon the old man returned, "here, change into this" he said handing Jungkook some clothes, "o, no, that's okay, you don't have to" he said feeling very flustered.

"I have a grandson, he about your age I think, and if ever he found himself in a situation like this, I would like him to meet a kind stranger that would be kind to him"
"But nothing, besides these are new, he doesn't even know he was getting them" the old man said with a laugh, "don't worry, I have other things for him, so please accept this, you might get sick in that"

Jungkook decided not to protest, he was actually feeling cold. The old man left him in the bus to change. He put his wet clothes in a plastic bag and went out side after he was done changing.

"If you walk for about five minutes in that direction, you will find a bust stop, there is a bus arriving in about ten minutes, it will take you back to the city center and you can easily get home from there" the old man explained.

"Th-thank you" Jungkook replied, he didn't have any money on him, but he wasn't about to ask for it, the man had helped him enough.

Jungkook's eyes went wide when he saw the old man reach for his wallet, "no-no you don't have to, it's okay" he said.

"You sure do have a habit of refusing help don't you?" the old man said, "if you show me the money you have I will let you leave". Jungkook said nothing since he knew he had no money to show.

"Exactly" the old man said with a chuckle.

Jungkook thanked the man repeatedly before he left. If it wasn't for him, he would have been stranded and cold in the middle of the night.

He only got to realize that the man had actually given him a lot of money when he got on the bus to pay, he smiled to himself, "a kind stranger".
"O my goodness, are you alright" One of Taehyung's caretakers said running up to him when she saw him walk into the lobby.

Taehyung chuckled as he ruffled his hair, making water droplets fly everywhere. "I am fine" he replied, "I have been trying to reach you" the lady said, "o, am sorry I forgot to check my phone" he said walking towards the elevator.

"I had food prepared for you, I will ask the staff to bring it up" the lady said trailing behind him, "that's okay, I don't feel like eating tonight" Taehyung replied.

"Uhm- your uncle called, he has been trying to reach you too", "oh, am sorry for the trouble, I will call him so don't worry about it. Thank you" Taehyung said getting into the elevator.

Once he was gone, the lady immediately got her phone out and dialed his uncle's number.

"He has returned sir"
"How is he? did he say where he has been?"
"I apologize, but I didn't get a chance to ask him. He was soaked from the rain so I didn't want to keep him for too long"
"Hmm, okay. I will be there tomorrow so please take care of him"
"Yes sir"

The older Kim knew his nephew well, he wouldn't have told her even if she asked, but it was okay since he will be seeing him in less than a day.

Taehyung got his clothes of and headed in the shower. He didn't want to think about what had happened earlier but his mind just kept replaying everything.

He didn't know what to think or do since none of it felt real.

"Where did I go wrong?"
"What did I miss?"
'What did I do"

He kept asking himself these questions. And after what seemed like an hour just standing in the shower he got out.

His head was hurting from having cried earlier and all thoughts that can't seem to stop. Why does it hurt so much, what can I do to make it stop

He laid in his bed starring at the ceiling, what was Jungkook doing? was he also in pain, why did he look like he was about to cry when he is the one that ended it, is he okay? I hope he doesn't feel the pain that I am feeling right now.
Taehyung had gotten no more than three hours of sleep the previous night. Given all that he was feeling, his mind just couldn't rest.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he got the car keys and headed out. If Jungkook was planning on going somewhere that day, he wasn't going to give him the chance.

He told his caretakers that he was going out for something and he would be back soon. It was six in the morning.

Jungkook was woken up by the persistent knock on his door, "was there going to be some kind of inspection today that he might have missed" he wondered as he got out of bed.

It was only about two hours ago when he finally managed to sleep, but he can't do that now. "Coming" he said walking towards the door.


"Tae, wh-what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, "may I come in?", "uhm- yeah sure" Jungkook replied stepping aside.

"D-did you get home alright yesterday?" Jungkook asked, not really knowing what to talk about. "Hm, yeah, I did" Taehyung replied taking his cap off.

"That's gre-"
"That's not what I came here to talk about" Taehyung interrupted him. "I need you to tell me, why you want us to break up"

"I already told you-"
"No you didn't, you didn't tell me anything.

Jungkook tugged on the sleeves of his sweater, "I told you I don't want to date you anymore" he said. "Why? just tell me why and I will leave you alone just like you want me to"

Jungkook felt his heart ache at Taehyung's words, was that what he really wanted? for Taehyung to leave him?

Jungkook didn't reply as he stood with his head hanging low. "Do you- do you not love me anymore?" Taehyung asked, hating that he had to ask that question because he wasn't even sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"Taehyung please, just-" Jungkook tried to speak
"Please tell me, is that why?"

"Am sorry, but please leave" Jungkook said taking a step back, he couldn't say it, even though it might make Taehyung leave, he wasn't going to say it.

"Huh" Taehyung let out a breath, "so this is it?" he asked. Jungkook took a few steps to his desk and picked up a key, it was the key to Taehyung's apartment.

"Here" he said holding it out for him.

"well I guess that answers it " Taehyung said accepting the key. "Am sorry that I was never someone you could rely on, I thought I was good enough for at least that, but I guess am not" Taehyung said with a sarcastic chuckle.

He walked closer to Jungkook and held the side of his face in his palm, then smiled at him.

"You are still so pretty even when you are upset" He said with a chuckle. Jungkook bit on his lip that was beginning to quiver.

"Make sure you get enough sleep okay, and always keep your hands warm " Taehyung said holding the younger's hand. "you need to keep making beautiful art, and don't stay out in the rain like you did yesterday"

He leaned closer and kissed the side of his forehead, "I will see you around Kook".

Jungkook didn't move as Taehyung walked to the door or when he walked out, he stood still. He watched the door close and once again he was surrounded by silence. He was alone.

Tears begun to stream down his face he slowly sat down, Taehyung was gone and he was all alone now.

The air felt heavy and he felt like he couldn't breath, "am sorry, am so sorry" he cried.


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