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I like the way I feel when I look at you

For the following two weeks, Jungkook spent most of his afternoon in the art room after classes. Bogum and Chan had started with football practice , so they were out in the field most of the day.

They treated him like he was their baby brother. They asked him a lot of questions as they were curious as to how he was so young and about to be a senior.

"So you are like super smart and also an art prodigy?" Chan said shaking his head, "wow". Jungkook just laughed.

In turn he got to find out more about them too, even though he was smarter than the two, they were also very good students too.

He was able to get into the school because of his grades and also a scholarship from Seoul university of arts and architecture that he was already admitted to.

But for Chan, Bogum and all the other students,  were here because they are in fact very smart but also because they could afford the school ,so basically they were filthy rich.

When Jungkook found out who their parent where, he started to feel a bit self conscious  that he was sharing a room with them. But Chan was quick to scold him for it and told him to be comfortable around them.

It was a Saturday afternoon, Jungkook was packing his bag to go to the art room when Bogum suddenly snatched his bag.

"No!" he said, today you are coming with us, "but..." Jungkook tried to protest, "but nothing, you are not going to spend another afternoon hiding in that art room" Chan added.

Bogum handed him a bag with four water bottles, "You need to do something different okay, here, today you will be our water boy" he said patting his shoulder.

"Are you going to pay me for that?" Jungkook joked. "Your payment is watching us play" Chan said with a laugh.

The two got changed into their sports wear and they all headed out.

At the field, they found Jungkook a nice shady spot from where he can watch and then they went to meet up with the rest of the team.

Jungkook sat with the four bottles of water, it wasn't long when the place started to get packed. A group of cheerleaders came to sit next to him, he found them to be very chatty, but he couldn't move, the spot he got was good.

"Hello captain" Chan said teasingly as he made a salute sign to Taehyung, "stop goofing round and start running" , "yes captain" Chan said running away as he escaped Taehyung's kick.

"Who's that?" Taehyung asked Bogum who was looking at where Jungkook was seated. Over the past two weeks, Taehyung had noticed the two hanging out with the new boy sometimes.

"O-him? he is our baby" Bogum said smiling, "huh?.... you know what, just go and join Chan" Taehyung said pretending to be annoyed.

As Bogum went away running, Taehyung looked over to where Jungkook was, he was trying to keep his hair from blowing in his face as he looked at the field, and he seemed to be focused on Chan and Bogum.

Taehyung figured he should stop staring as he went to join his team mates.

Jungkook regretted not having moved from the cheerleaders, because as soon as the game started it was endless screaming.

In the end he couldn't bear with it that he moved to another spot. It didn't have the best view, but at least from over here he can keep his eardrums from bursting.

The game went on for about forty minutes before it came to an end. The boys were soon leaving the field.

Other students and the cheerleaders were running towards them with water bottles, Jungkook got to see that Chan and Bogum were quite popular given how many people were gathered around them. He wanted to go over and give them water, but it seemed like the cheerleaders were doing his job for him.

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