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New faces

The year had been quite busy for Jungkook, school alone is easy for him to handle. But adding work to it, kept him very occupied, but still, he liked it.

He made his way to his one of his professor's office greeting some of the people he passed by. He was well known, but he didn't keep a lot of friends. 

Once he got to the professor's office, the man was so glad to see him because he needed his help. As an art and architecture student, Jungkook had a lot of students coming to him for help, he didn't hate it, if anything  sometimes he would wonder if he should have been a teacher instead, but this thought only lasted for an afternoon, because it can get tiring really fast.

"You are having your exhibition tomorrow night, am I correct?" The man asked while Jungkook fished for a file from his bag, "yes, it's tomorrow". "I don't even think I have to wish you any luck, your work is amazing" the man complemented him, making Jungkook laugh a little as he said thank you.

For the rest of the time they were together, the man studied his student's work and gave him pointers on what to correct and Jungkook took notes.

Over two hours later Jungkook left the office, leaving his professor with two other professors and three students that had joined them earlier.

Jungkook checked his timetable, there was only one class he needed to attend for the day, he was no longer on full long distance study program, but a mixed one now. So now he had a few more classes to attend than before.

The only girl in school that was his close friend didn't have any lessons so he planned to leave as soon as he was done with class.

Once settled in his seat, he took out his note pad to go over some things that he will need later for work. "Hi" he heard a deep voice greet him and when he turned he was met with an unfamiliar face, "hi" he replied a bit unsure.

"Is it okay if I sit next to you?" the guy asked, to which Jungkook replied with a nod and a small smile. It's not like he owned the place, anyone could sit where they want.

The lesson went by quickly and as soon as the lecturer said they were dismissed, Jungkook started packing his bag.

"Uhm hey, I was-uhm wondering if you would like to grab something after class" the newcomer offered. Jungkook looked at him, a bit surprised, he has never met this person before, or has he?

"You seem a bit confused, I guess you don't remember me" the guy said, Jungkook just seemed to stare back at him with a confused look on his face.

This made the guy chuckle," it's okay, it's understandable. Uhm, last month you tutored the first and second year for architecture 101, I was among the seniors that was helping you" the guy explained.

"Oou, uhm, I am so sorry I totally forgot, but  I am pretty sure if I think hard enough I will be able to remember" Jungkook replied feeling a bit guilty". "It's okay, don't worry about it, it has been a while". Jungkook gave a small pressed smile.

"I- I wanted to approach you before, but I never seem to get the chance and you don't  seem to have a lot of classes on campus , but I guess today I was lucky" the guy said sheepishly. Jungkook gave little nods while he spoke since he didn't know what to say exactly.

"So I was wondering if you are not busy, we could grab something to eat or drink"
"O, uhm, today is not a good time, I have to leave soon" Jungkook explained
"O, it's okay, I totally understand. Do you mind giving me your phone number, perhaps we could reschedule". Jungkook hesitated for a bit, he didn't feel like giving his number, but then again the seniors that helped him before really made his work a lot easier, he could at least use this time to properly thank him.

"Thank you" the guy said after saving Jungkook's number, "that's mine" he added and soon there was a notification sound from Jungkook's phone.

"Baekhyun" the text read

"Okay, got it, I will save it, but I really have to go now" Jungkook said picking up his bag, "okay, I will see you soon".

Jungkook made his way to the bus stop, it would take about twenty minutes to get to the company, if there is no delay.

Jungkook was something of a mystery at his school, and it was never in his interest to clear up any ideas people might have of him. For starters; he often took the bus, which was considered very odd because his parents were both rich and drove expensive cars. Not only that, there were rumors of him dating the most well know idol, Moon Bin, so why was he still taking the bus.

Even if he couldn't drive, his parents could get him a driver right, people wondered so much about him but never dared to ask.

While sitting in the bus he checked his time, he would be arriving in five minutes. His wallpaper was a picture on his daughter and Moon, and he was in the background, almost invincible. they had taken the picture a week ago and he couldn't get over how cute it was.

"Hi boyfriend" Jungkook said as he walked up to Jackson, "you are late" Jackson said squinting his eyes at him, "you always say this" Jungkook replied lightly pocking the other's chest. Jackson huffed, pretending to be annoyed. "Come on, the meeting will start soon".

Before going to the conference room, Jungkook stopped by his office to drop off his bag and got a bottle of water.

KIM GLOBAL, it was as amazing at it sounded and the perks that came with working there were too good to be true. 

The company had a special program that opened up every few years to students all over the world. It was a one year program of work and learning at the company. The number of intakes was usually fifty students for each recruitment period per country.

Jungkook knew that this company belonged to Taehyung's family, but it had been five years since he left, he surely wasn't coming back now. Even while he was back in his home town,           K. GLOBAL  had always been his goal, and now he got the chance.

Even if Taehyung were to return, it probably wouldn't be now, it was a one year program and he was half way through, he would be done with it before he returns.

Now seating waiting for the meeting to start, Jungkook was excited. It was his first exhibition, but not only that, this was an exclusive exhibition, no press was allowed but a lot of big names will be attending.

The first part of the meeting included a lot of repetition about the exhibition which of course was necessary.  Close to the end the M.C announced that there was an important guest.

Everyone's head was turning trying to see the person being spoken about about.

Finally he was on stage,  audible gasps could be heard from the stage.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is Mr. Kim, but you can call me Jimin given how every man in my family has the same surname" Jimin said with a smile, making everyone smile and chuckle.

"He is so handsome" Jungkook overheard some girls behind him, he looked back at the man on the stage, he was in fact very good looking.

New experiences

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