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Smitten by you

"I have never done anything like this" Jungkook said with a nervous chuckle, the old man smiled at him kindly, "well, I have been alive for quite sometime now and I haven't had the pleasure of meeting someone like you" the old man replied.

"You are just saying that" Jungkook said, the old man let out a chuckle, "as you get older you will realize that in as much as you might assume that people are interesting and sophisticated, very few of them are bold enough to live that way" the old man said.

Jungkook paused to think for a moment.

"well to answer your question, how do I know this is love?"
"I just do, I think I new what it was when I realized I had feelings for him. Some people say that you should have some experience in dating so that you can truly know, but I just do" Jungkook said.

"If ever I end with someone else, I could never love them the same, not even close, I don't think I would even want that" Jungkook added.

The old smiled, appearing to be pleased with the boy's reply.

"You are what writes fill their pages with and what poets recite at ungodly hours" the old man said.

"To love; without trying to know why, how much or for how long, it's as simple as that and you are one of the few that live like that, it's quite admirable if you ask me" the old man said with a smile, Jungkook smiled too.

"But you know, true love is such a wicked thing, it is a brutal as it is beautiful. So when the time comes and it gets too hard ,and one of you lets go, listen to your heart, it will know what to do, just like it knows now" the old man said.

Jungkook was a bit puzzled by this statement, but then again the old man has said a couple of things that he didn't fully understand.

Jungkook looked at his watch, Taehyung should be arriving any minute now.

"I hope to see you again" the old man said getting up from the bench. "It was really nice talking to you" Jungkook said with a wide grin.

About ten minutes passed and a car stopped at the school's bus stop and Taehyung came out.

"Did you wait for long?" he asked
"Not really"
"Okay, lets go"

The days leading up to Taehyung's departure where spent on dates and spending a lot of time in bed.

Jungkook was moving out of the hostel to the dorm room of his university and Taehyung had been helping him. Earlier that day, Taehyung had other responsibilities to attend to so Jungkook had to go to the hostel on his own.

Once he was done with the paper work, he waited for Taehyung at the bus stop in front of the school.

An old man, came to sit next to him. Jungkook wasn't sure whether to great him or not, but he also didn't like the awkward silence so he decided to say hi.

The simple greeting turned into a long conversation between the two, both somewhat fascinated by each other.

"I had a chat with an old man today" Jungkook said while they were in the car
"Really, what did you talk about?" Taehyung asked.
"Well, a lot of thing really, it was really interesting since I never met my grandparents"

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