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Ready to let go

Jin tried so hard to hide his excitement when Jungkook showed up the following week for his scheduled appointment.

Earlier that week he had gotten a notice from the abortion clinic in relation to Jungkook's appointment. Regardless of how he looked at it, he was still not pleased with the news.

There is definitely more to Jungkook's story than the younger lets on, and perhaps an abortion might have been his best choice, but Jin couldn't help but feel that  there had to be another way.

If he came to him for help, he would have done everything he could to help him.

Jin started to feel guilty for not approaching Jungkook in the first place, it's not like he couldn't tell that he needed help, but he held back.

When his nurse informed him that Jungkook had come to see him, he was so relieved and happy, swearing to support his young patient however he can.

"I thought you would be coming with your boyfriend today" Jin had said
"O, about that, he-he wont be coming" Jungkook replied.

"Why? is everything okay" Jin asked with concern in his voice.
"I didn't tell him" Jungkook replied with a small pressed smile, "He has to go away for some time and if I told him it would have made it difficult for him"

"Jungkook-" Jin tried to speak
"You don't have to worry about it doctor Kim, it's not a big problem" Jungkook added.

Jin decided not to push, but he wasn't going to drop it. Now that it seemed like Jungkook was going to be a single parent, did he have anyone in his life to help him? He still needed to get his guardian's contacts.

But not today, given what he had planned to do just recently, he must have a lot on his mind.

After the physical exam, he sent Jungkook home and reminded him to read the books he gave him before.
It had been over two weeks since Namjoon left the country. Jungkook was a bit surprised at how often the elder would call to just check up on him.

Jungkook found himself quickly getting used to it.

He wasn't attending any classes on campus so he didn't have any friends, at this point the person in his life that would resemble something of a friend would be his doctor that he had to see every week. Though he wouldn't admit that.

"Have you eaten?" Namjoon asked
"Y-yes" Jungkook lied

"Did you know you starter when you lie?"
"W-what? no I don't" Jungkook defended himself. Namjoon laughed.

"There is a restaurant near your apartment, they have a very broad menu, you should go there sometimes" Namjoon said.
"I can cook" Jungkook replied
"I don't believe you even know how to cook"

"The owner of the place is my friend, I will let him know to expect you at least once a day, and if you don't show up, he will tell me"

"But-" Jungkook tried to protest.

"I will give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you are having your meals. But since you aren't going to school physically, I am concerned if you had actually even been out of your apartment"

"So just do me this favor and go by the restaurant okay"

Jungkook was quite for a moment.

"Okay, I will go. Thank you"

The two made some small talk, talking about work and school. Jungkook exclusively leaving out the most important thing.

The truth was that Namjoon had asked Jackson to  check up on the younger, secretly. And according to Jackson, the boy almost never leaves his place.

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