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So many firsts to be spent with you

Over the past couple of months, it had become very evident, who between the two was having a hard time controlling themselves. Even though Jungkook was the one to suggest that they keep everything a secrete, he clearly didn't account for other things.

When Taehyung had to go through his early hormonal stage he wasn't seeing anyone, so he had to deal with all of that on his own. Somehow the idea of dating didn't appeal to him and he figured he would he explore all of that once he gets to university and starts dating.

Now, even though he is not that much older than Jungkook, between the two he had better self control.

But even with that, it was still a challenge to control himself, because he also wanted to do it. During a few of Jungkook's visits, the doctor would have chats with him. He explained to him about the younger's development, specifically the part about his hormonal development and all things related.

Whenever they were alone together, it was easy for things to get heated up. Taehyung would always stop before it got too far, and Jungkook wasn't too pleased about it with the way he would frown and pout at him, clearly not understanding why the other would stop.


It was a Saturday, Chan and Bogum had gone out, so Taehyung came to spend the day with Jungkook.

Over the past few months, their relationship had been going well, for the most part.

Jungkook sat up on the bed as Taehyung moved away from him, he bit the inside of his lower lip, stopping himself from asking, again.

"Why did you stop? what did I do? do you have to leave? are you uncomfortable?"

He decided not to ask, instead he moved from where he sat and got off the bed. Taehyung suddenly took a hold of his arm as he moved past him, "hey" he said, stopping him.
"Am just going to the bathroom, I will be back in a bit" Jungkook replied in a low voice with a small pressed smile.

Taehyung let go of his hand and watched him walk away. Today felt somewhat different, he wasn't sure whether to be glad that Jungkook didn't question him, at least that way he wouldn't have to give all those excuses, or be disappointed that Jungkook didn't ask him.

A few minutes went by and Jungkook still wasn't back yet, Taehyung walked to the bathroom and knocked, "hey, are you okay in there?" he asked from behind the door. "Yeah, am fine, just give me a minute" the reply came.

Jungkook stood in front of the sink, as he ran cold water on his face again, he blinked a few times to stop himself from crying, but it didn't help as he felt a tear run down his face and mix with the water on it.

He felt like his chest was closing in on his heart, didn't Taehyung like him? did he do something, again? He decided that it didn't matter anymore, it was clear as to how Taehyung felt. Somethings you just know right?...

He washed his face one more time and then gargled some water before spitting it out.

Taehyung was getting a bit worried, "hey, am coming in" he said as he tried the door knob, but it was locked. "well that's a first" he thought to himself. He was about to knock when the door slowly opened.

"Sorry I took too long" Jungkook said with a dry chuckle as he awkwardly scratched the side of his head.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked trying to study his face, though Jungkook was clearly trying to hide it.

For a second Jungkook didn't say anything.

"Do you want to break up?" he suddenly asked now looking up to Taehyung.

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