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Five years later..........




Moon Bin woke up due to his phone that wouldn't stop ringing. 

"Give me ten minutes and I will be out" He said before throwing the covers to the side. He was running late, but at the pace he was moving, it was as if he had a whole day to spare.

He looked around Jungkook wasn't in the room, but he knew where he was.

Picking up some pace he made his way to the bathroom to freshen up, there was no time for a complete shower. Then he got changed into some clean clothes that he had left at Jungkook's place before.

He was dressed and ready to go, but headed to the art room first, of course, he found Jungkook curled up in the bean chair like a bunny.

He took a piece of paper and wrote a note before heading out.

He met his manager outside, who was threatening to punch him if they get stuck in traffic.

"Hyung, it's still like six-thirty, we have time"
"You do realize people also go to work at six thirty right" his manager replied glaring at him through the review mirror. Moon just laughed as he got comfortable in his seat.

After they had been driving for about five minutes, he took his phone out to call Jungkook.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice came through.
"You are gonna be late" Moon said

Jungkook's eyes went wide when he looked at the screen, it was almost six forty. "Why didn't you wake me?" Jungkook asked getting up.

"I am pretty sure I would have made you more late, you should get ready to leave" Moon said. "Of course I am doing that, I will get you for this" Jungkook said changing out of his paint stained overalls.

"By the way, are you at the airport yet?" Jungkook asked.
"I am on my way-" 
"Don't forget to send a video when you land, or your girl wont let me rest" Jungkook said looking around for his keys.

"Haha, I wont forget. By the way, I left you a note somewhere in the art room" Moon added. "Really, where?" Jungkook was looking around.

"It's on a black paper, you should really get going now, I will text you before take off and when I land". "Okay, have a safe trip" Jungkook said before ending the call.

"You are really not helping with the dating rumors' are you? Moon's manager said after the call, "Well , I mean what can I do about it" Moon replied before leaning back further in his seat.

He finally found the note, "Good luck with the exhibition". "You said this like seven time already" Jungkook said with a chuckle.

Nonetheless he folded the note and put it in his pocket. With one last look around his apartment, he closed the door, locked it and ran down the stairs.

The bus ride took about ten minutes and he arrived home.

"Baby girl where are you?" He asked as soon as he walked in, throwing his bag on the couch. "Kookie" 

A little girl came running through the door into Jungkook's arms. "O there you are, no wait, who is this princess?" Jungkook complemented her while spinning her around.

Her joyful giggles filled the room.

Jungkook placed her on her feet and fixed her dress.

"Did you already have breakfast?" Jungkook asked.  The little girl shook her head, "grandpa is making eggs" she said pointing in the direction of the kitchen, "aha" Jungkook said taking her hand and walking towards the kitchen.

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