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Firsts with you

The night Taehyung dropped him off, Jungkook didn't get any sleep.

He knew which uncle Taehyung was talking about, his father's twin whom he was named after.

He knew how much Taehyung loved and respected the man, so how could he? How could he agree to meet him, to smile and nod when Taehyung introduces him as his boyfriend.

How could he let Taehyung introduce him to his world, to his family, just to walk away in the end. If he hadn't been so irresponsible, none of this whole be happening.

They would have told their friends and he would have met his uncle without the guilt that was suffocating him now.

He should have done a better job at being safe, he suggested they just do it without being safe and now this happened and it was his fault. The voices kept repeating in his head over and over that he felt like he would go crazy.

"You can get rid of it, then he would never know"
"You are from different worlds"
"If you love him so much, you wouldn't ruin his life like this"

It's your fault.

"It's my fault, I ruined everything, it's my fault and he is going to leave me" Jungkook repeated to himself as tears streamed down his face. It felt like a broke record, playing over and over in his head until he felt dizzy.
Jungkook was woken by his phone that kept ringing, he didn't even remember what time he fell asleep.

It was Taehyung calling. And it was a couple of minutes past twelve pm.

He watched the phone ring until Taehyung hung up, he had called over ten times.
"I am sorry I can't talk right now, I am a bit busy, I will call you back later"- he texted.

Taehyung stared at the text for a while,
"are you at the dorm?"
"no, am not there"
"Where are you?"
"I had to go somewhere for some school stuff, I will talk to you later"

Jungkook switched his phone off after sending the last text. His head was hurting as he curled up on his bed.

Taehyung was feeling a lot of emotions and he didn't know what to do. He felt sad, because it seemed like Jungkook was avoiding him.

On the other hand he felt angry because he didn't understand why Jungkook was acting the way he was, he has asked him several times if anything was wrong but he got the same answer "I am fine".

He couldn't even let his own emotions show because he was worried he would just make the situation worse.

But what happened, everything was fine, before he left, while he was gone, it was all good, But now that he was back, he didn't know.

"Did I do something to upset you? could you please tell me" he sent a text.

The rest of the day went by and Jungkook didn't contact him and when he tried to call, his number was unreachable.

"Just give him a little bit of space, he will come around, he might just have something going on"
"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked.
"Just be a little patient okay" his cousin said over the phone.

Later in the evening Taehyung tried calling again, but the number was still unreachable. He wanted to go to Jungkook's room but he figured that might be too much and only make him uncomfortable, he will wait for a bit.
The following day, Taehyung told himself he could wait until mid day before contacting Jungkook again. He was coming out of the shower when he heard his phone buzz.

With one hand on the towel drying his hair, he picked up his phone, it was a text from Jungkook.

"Can we meet later today in the evening?"
"Yes of course, what time should I pick you up"
"No, it's okay, you can just meet me there, at park near the plaza"
"Alright, I will see you later"

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