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Love me like you say you do

"Th-thank you" Jungkook said to the receptionist before walking out. Taehyung wasn't there, because the lady had gotten used to seeing she told him when last he was there, and that the room was being cleaned since everything would be covered up.

Jungkook felt tears continue to run down his face as he wiped them away, "no, he didn't leave yet" he told himself as he ran to the nearest bus stop.

He had never been to Taehyung's house, but he knew where it was.

About fifteen minutes later he stood in from of the large gates. He rang the bell as he anxiously waited for someone to come.

An old man came to the gate.

"O, dear, they left this morning" the old man said, "I am sorry, are you a friend of the young master?" he asked.

"Uhm, no, I am not, I am just- uhm- I am sorry to bother you, th-thank you" Jungkook said looking at his phone it was just past noon.

He was about to leave when a car pulled over, "Jungkook?" it was Bogum and Jennie. "Jungkook we have been trying to reach you , were have you been?" Bogum asked getting out of the car.

"O, I- I am sorry , something came up" Jungkook replied. Bogum was worried, Jungkook didn't look fine and why was he outside in that weather.

"Are you guys going somewhere" Jungkook asked, " yes actually, we are flying out today" Jennie said, "Tae's uncle asked us to pick up a briefcase that he forgot" she added.

"O, okay, I wish you guys a safe trip" Jungkook said with a small smile.

Bogum was wondering if Jungkook didn't know that Taehyung left already. Did they have a fight? when he had asked Taehyung why Jungkook wasn't picking up calls or replying back, he said he didn't know, which was odd coming from him

"Jungkook-" Bogum tried to speak but Jungkook interrupted him before he could.

"I don't want to keep you guys, I should get going. Have a safe trip and say hi to Chan for me" Jungkook said before turning around to leave.

He didn't give them a chance to reply as he hurried away. His eyes were getting filled with tears again. Taehyung was gone.
About an hour had passed, Jungkook was still sitting at the bench on the opposite side of the road facing the abortion clinic.

He had been thinking about it since he left Taehyung's house earlier that day.

What was he going to do now, why should he keep it when he can't even afford to take care of himself without the scholarship funds, which he would most likely lose once they find out.

Legal age for special males was twenty. He was going to turn eighteen in a couple of months. Does that mean the orphanage will take away the baby?

He didn't want to bring a child into the world just to have him or her grow up in an orphanage like he did. It wasn't the worst place in the world but he wouldn't want to willingly put anyone there.

He pulled his knees closer to his chest as he kept his eyes glued on the clinic. This is the best choice right now, he thought to him, "it's the right choice, the sooner I do it, the better" he repeated to himself as he got up.
Jungkook walked through the front door, the place had a calming vibe about it. Maybe it was due to all the friendly looking nurses there.

After about fifteen minutes, hiss name was called.

The doctor was a nice looking lady, she greeted him kindly and offered him a seat.

"You are almost a month a long" the doctor said as she read from her file before closing it.
"You said you don't have anyone to come with you is that right?" Jungkook nodded.

"Well for your health and safety, we will have to admit you here, the day before the procedure and at least three days after, but you can stay longer if you need to" she said.

Oddly enough, you didn't need to be twenty to get an abortion on your own. It was enough that you went to a legal clinic to do it. However Jungkook didn't know that this information would be forwarded to his doctor, since he was registered in the health system as a special male.

"Okay" Jungkook replied, he wasn't feeling as nervous as he was when he first arrived. The doctor continued to explain to him more things concerning the procedure.

She then gave him a pamphlet and a paper with his admission date and other relevant information.

Once he was outside he folded the papers and put them in his pocket. He remembered his first hospital visit with Taehyung, he had said he wanted either a girl or a boy as long as it was with him.

He grabbed the fabric of his jacket around his tummy. "This is the right thing to do" he told himself.

Ever since he got close with Taehyung he was there for everything. His big moments, his small moments, he was always there.

It was the first time he got his own birthday cake, the first time he had someone who cared about every little thing, who supported him in everything.

He held the music necklace pedant around his neck, Taehyung had told him that it was because he brought rhythm in his life since they met.

"Maybe it's a good thing that you left before I got to you, maybe it's better this way. I won't ruin you, I won't ruin your life. You were always too good for me anyway, I was lucky enough to have you when I did" Jungkook thought to himself as he waited for the bus.
"Did Jungkook seem a bit odd to you?" Bogum asked Jennie on their way to the airport. "What do you mean?" she asked looking from her phone, "you know, he usually isn't like that" Bogum said. "He did seem a bit tired" she replied, "maybe am over thinking it" Bogum said leaning back in his seat.

Jennie nervously bit the corner of her lower lip, " was Jungkook okay, why was he at the Kim's when they had left already?"

"He is fine" she told herself.

To be loved by you

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