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Pastel colors

"Well someone slept well" Namjoon said to Jungkook who walked into the kitchen, it was past eleven.

Jungkook gave a sleepy smile, "That I did" he said taking a seat in front of the kitchen counter. "Are you alright?" Namjoon asked, "yeah, just a bit drowsy, maybe it's because I slept for so long" Jungkook replied running his hand through his hair.

"Do you want us to cancel today? we can do it another time"
"O, not a chance. What time is Dr. Kim coming?"

Namjoon checked his watch, "in about three hours" he replied, "Okay, I am going to take a shower" Jungkook said getting up.

Today they were going to do the gender reveal, and all of them were looking forward to it, including Jin, even though he already knew Moon's gender.

While Jungkook got ready, Namjoon cleaned up after he made him break fast and got on a call with Jin while he waited for the younger.

Jungkook stood in front of the mirror,  trying to figure out the taste he had in his mouth, it was something metallic but quite dull. He proceeded to brush his teeth, deciding that it was probably nothing. Today was a good day.
"Oh, nice  hat doc" Jungkook commented when Jin pulled over at their house, "thank you" Jin replied with a smile.

The three set out on their lunch, Jungkook was in the back seat, while the two sat it the front. Namjoon wanted to tell Jin about Jungkook having slept in , but he told himself he might just be over thinking it and it could ruin the day.

The three were chatting the whole time as they headed to their destination, Jungkook was feeling a bit sleepy for some reason, but he hyped himself up to stay awake, he needed to find out the gender today.

After driving for about twenty-five minutes, they arrived.

The place was quite beautiful as they walked in, a waitress came to approached them and lead them through the restaurant to their seats that were out in the garden.

Jungkook had taken a liking of sweets during the pregnancy, and this place had really great ones. But they couldn't just let him stuff himself with sugar so they were also going to order proper meals and leave the sweets for desert.

After they had their main course, Jungkook was getting impatient, "o please tell me" he whined at the doctor, who simply laughed at the boy. "Yes please, tell us." Namjoon added, as he was also eager to know.

While they were still  bickering about Moon, another waitress approached their table. With her, she carried a dozen balloons, half in pastel pink and the other half in pastel blue.

Jungkook looked the doctor confused, "there is no way I am having twins" he said with squinted eyes. Jin laughed, "of course you aren't"

They said thank you to the young lady, as she placed a gift box on the table to which the balloons where attached, then she excused herself.

"Well, open it" Jin said encouragingly. Jungkook was wiggling in his seat as he began to untie the bow. He gave the balloons to his dad, who tied them to one of the chairs.

The two were so focused on the box that they didn't see Jin take off his bucket hat. The man could barely contain himself seeing how the two still didn't notice.

Jungkook however busy tearing away at the gift box, biting hard on his lower lip, he kept opening one gift box after another, hoping to finally get to the last one.

"O come on doc, just how many boxes did you wrap in here" Jungkook asked momentarily looking up, but he didn't noticed.

Namjoon on the other hand, did, the way his mouth went wide in realization. He was about to say something but Jin signaled him not to say anything.

"Oh, there is nothing in here is there?" Jungkook said giving up on the unwrapping as he leaned back in his seat.

"O, that's a nice color on you" Jungkook commented on the doctor's hair, still not getting it. Namjoon was so close to screaming it as he bit his lower lip, Jin was trying so hard to hold back his laugh.


Jungkook's eyes went wide when he finally realized what was going on, "wait, is that? does that mean?" he couldn't even complete his sentence when tears filled his eyes.

"O my, Oh, o goodness- I" Jungkook didn't know what to say as tears begun to stream down his face. Namjoon embraced him in a hug, "yeah, your crazy doctor really went over bored with this one" he said with a laugh.

The three all hugged,  and cried all together. "Thank you, thank you so much" Jungkook said to Jin with a bright smile.

Out the three Jungkook had cried the most and asked to be excused to clean up.

"O, how did I not get it the first time" Namjoon said laughing. "And are your superiors okay with you looking like this?" he asked looking as the other's pastel colored head.

"Well, I don't know about that, but I do know they can't afford to fire me" Jin replied with a smug look, making Namjoon laugh even more.

"Thank you, really, I am not very good at making grand gestures, I would have probably done the most classic thing like have confetti in a balloon" 
"You are welcome"
"But, what did you actually put in the gift box"

Jin took the gift box that Jungkook had given up on, there had been two more boxes left, and in the final box there was a pair of baby shoes that matched his head, tied to a little rock.

"This was to add some weight" Jin said pointing to the little rock, "ah- he was so close" Namjoon said picking up the pair of shoes.

"Are you ready to be a grandad?" 
"I am about as ready as I was when I took him in" Namjoon said said with a smile.

After Jungkook was done washing his face and fixing the little make up he had on, he stood by the mirror a bit longer.

"I think your papa would have been so happy today, don't you think?. I am really excited to meet you" he said rubbing his belly.

He was about to walk out when he felt the urge to throw up, but nothing came up. But the metallic taste, it was now stronger.

Everything seemed to attack his body all at once, he felt a sharp pain on his side and it only seemed to intensify when he made any movements. He decided to hurry out and go back to his dad but he barely made it to the door when he feel to his knees.

The pain was so intense it was blinding him, and while on the floor he noticed blood, his blood. His was having a nose bleep and it was an abnormally heavy flow.

"Dad-,dad-" he tried to call, but it was as if the world around him was fading. "Dad-" he called again , but his voice was just above a whisper. He couldn't move any further and the blood flow didn't stop.

"No, please no, you can't take her away from me" tears were now streaming down his face as he placed his hand on his belly, "please-" he cried.

His vision was fading out, what he didn't know was that blood was flowing into his eyes too. He was loosing sense of his surroundings and his body was in so pain.

"I was kind of worried you know" Namjoon said after telling Jin that Jungkook had slept in that day. "He's okay" besides if anything happens to him, I am right here and you also have me on speed dial" Jin said assuringly.

Their chat was disrupted by a very distressed waitress, "Please hurry, it's your son" the girl said with a trembling voice.

Namjoon didn't wait for her finish as he ran in the direction of the bathroom, with Jin right behind him. 

Before you go....

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