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"I am sorry?" what the hell is wrong with me, Jungkook said out loud as he took a seat in his office chair.

If he could, he would have hugged the driver when the car suddenly pulled over next to them. Because he did not know what to reply when Taehyung asked him what he meant. But more than that, he was glad that Taehyung didn't try too hard to get the answer out of him.

His team was going to have a meeting about their up coming trip so he waited in his office until it was time, still scolding himself about what he just did.

"I won't be coming for the meeting" Taehyung said to Jimin over the phone,
"is everything okay?" Jimin asked getting a bit worried.
"Uhm, yeah, but I can't make it" Taehyung said,
"hm, okay, I will have them send you the minutes."
"Okay, thank you" Taehyung said before hanging up.

Taehyung harshly rubbed his forehead, feeling somewhat annoyed with himself, "what did I expect?" he thought to himself.

Five years ago, Jungkook left him and never looked back. He tried to reach him during those years but got nothing, why did he think it would be different now. He clearly moved on and he shouldn't be bothering him.

Jungkook had a family of his own now, a daughter that is clearly the center of his life. Taehyung didn't want to fixate on that, it had nothing to do with him, he told himself repeatedly.

He asked the driver to take him to the main house, he needed to go and pack.
The conference room was filled with chatter, everyone was excited about the trip. Although it was mainly for work, it was still Paris and that was enough to have everyone happy.

It was going to be a week long and the group would be leaving on Sunday and return the following Sunday ,so they had a few more days to prepare.

After the meeting everyone was excused, Jungkook was about to leave when he heard someone call him, he turned around to find that it was one of the new directors, the one who preferred that people call him Jimin instead of Mr. Kim.

Jimin requested that they talk in his office instead.

"You requested to return early, is that correct?" Jimin asked as he took as seat and pointed at one for Jungkook to also seat.

"Yes sir" Jungkook replied,
"and you are not able to change or cancel it?"
"Unfortunately I can't sir" Jungkook replied. He was prepared to accept if the board decides that he should not be part of the group that was travelling, because there was no way he was going to reschedule.

Jimin appeared to be thinking for a moment, "is this a family matter?" he asked, "yes sir" Jungkook replied.

"Okay, I will ask for your schedule to be changed and have it sent before the end of the week" Jimin said. Jungkook was a bit surprised by his response, since he was aware that they are supposed to complete a number of tasks and him leaving early was not going to allow him to get everything done.

Jimin noticed how the other was in a daze, " you shouldn't worry yourself too much, it's all under control" he said with a smile, "thank you sir" Jungkook replied.

Soon after, Jungkook took his leave.

Jimin leaned back in his chair, "hmm, it's definitely him" he thought to himself, the boy was clearly much older now, but he didn't change all that much. "This is going to be interesting" he said to himself.

Jungkook carefully loaded a few of the packages that he had on the car that came to pick him up, he was finally headed home.

The drive was quicker since he was busy sorting out his plans for the next few days, he was even a bit startled when the driver announced that they had arrived.

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