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You left when I needed you

If he could, Jungkook would have stopped breathing all together as he laid like a block of concrete in his bed.

It has been about twenty minutes now.

Finally giving up, he accepted that he has to face awaits him, he slowly moved his body and opened his eyes.

To his surprise, there was no one there.

He sat up straight to look around and the room was empty, it was just him. He let out a chuckle in disbelief, " so I could have been out of bed a long time ago? I guess he left" He said to himself.

Not sure how to explain how he was feeling, he got out of bed and headed to the shower. He couldn't be sad let alone disappointed, because why should he be, why should he expect Taehyung to be in his room watching him sleep, why should he even expect anything from Taehyung?

"He left me" he mumbled to himself before turning the shower on.

About an hour later he was all washed up done getting dressed when his phone rang, it was his dad.


Jungkook didn't always like it when Haneul called him "Appa", she often calls him Kookie and he has always preferred that when he realized that she was often sad when she called him Appa, or when she was scared.

If he could, he would always make her happy and that she never has to be sad ever again, but life didn't work like that, and he had to accept that on some days, she will stare at him with her big blue eyes and call his Appa because she was scared and needed her dad, or because she was sick and she needed him.

"Appa is right here" Jungkook said with a warm smile as he tried to cheer up his daughter who was quite said, "Appa when are you coming home" she asked, "I will back soon princes, how about you tell me all the things you want me to buy for you, hmm?

The conversation went on for a while, and later he talked to both his parents.

"You are sure everything is fine? Jin had asked, "yes of course, just needs a bit of getting used to" Jungkook replied.

Soon after he hung up, there was a knock on his door, it was Jackson.

"Did you sleep well?" Jackson asked, "yeah" Jungkook replied walking over to the fridge. He heard Jackson let out a deep breath, "i will tell you when we go back to home" Jungkook said as he handed Jackson a glass of water. "I didn't say anything" Jackson replied, "But I know you are thinking of asking" Jungkook replied, Jackson gave a small smile with a nod.

After Jungkook packed his bag, they headed to the lobby.

Once they were downstairs, Jungkook excused himself to go to the receptionist.

"O, yes, Mr. Kim already informed us, here is your card" the receptionist said before Jungkook could narrate to her how he lost his card last night. He nodded a bit awkwardly and accepted the card, "thank you" he said before walking away.

Today was going to be a busy day for the team, they had to visit some art galleries, then have meetings after that.

Suddenly the chatter around the room began to die down, the Kims had arrived.

Jungkook remained stuck to Jackson's side the whole time. And as soon as everyone was dismissed to go to the bus, he was quick to head for the exit.

"Hey- hey, Jungkook wait"

Jungkook felt someone grab his arm

"Sorry, you were walking so fast I had to run after you" Taehyung said letting go of Jungkook's arm.


"Did you sleep well last night" Taehyung asked,
"I-I did, thank you for asking" Jungkook replied.
Then there was silence

"I have to go" Jungkook suddenly said, " the bus is waiting for us" he added, "O, okay. travel safe" Taehyung said.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook walked away, he didn't pause to look back and he found himself desperately longing for Jungkook to look back at him, even once, but he didn't.

Maybe he was in over his head last night, Jungkook was just too tired when he allowed him to stay, there was nothing more to it.

"Why am I still waiting, he left me" he said to himself before walking back to his colleagues.

From his seat, Jungkook caught a glimpse of Taehyung's back before he disappeared. He plugged in his ear phones and took out a book to read.

The rest of the day included meetings and meeting a lot of new people.

Taehyung was hopping that he would get to meet up with Jungkook the following day, but days just kept going by and it still didn't happen.

It was in evening and he standing outside on the balcony.

"I love you too" Taehyung said over the phone while he looked down at the pool. The girl on the other end made him promise that he will return to see her by the end of his work trip.

"Of course, I would not miss it for anything" Taehyung said assuringly. They said their goodbyes and Taehyung was about to head back inside when he heard voices from the pool side.

It was Jungkook's voice.

And to his disappointment, he was with Jackson, and shirtless too.

"I will just swim for thirty minutes" Jungkook said
"I promise"

Taehyung could hear them laugh and a few minutes later, Jackson left.

He watched as Jungkook paced around the pool for some minutes, "I thought he came out to swim" Taehyung thought to himself.

Some time later Jungkook finally dived into the pool.

Taehyung was a bit surprised by how many laps he was making and he was also fast, but he still didn't stop to take a break.

Taehyung figured it was not his place, since Jackson seemed to be all over the younger, he still decided to go down to the pool.

"I am fine!" Jungkook said.

Taehyung quickly hid behind a wall when he overheard the two talking and peeked to see what was happening.

Jackson took a hold of Jungkook's hand, it was shaking, "come on, let's go inside" Jackson said gently.

"I said I am fine Jackson" Jungkook replied
"Please" Jackson said.

Jungkook would argue against it if he still had the energy, but he had exhausted himself so much that even his legs were trembling.

Taehyung took notice of how gentle Jackson was being with Jungkook, what is their relationship he wondered. But he didn't have time to keep spying on them when they started walking in his direction, he had to hide.

"Why should I even be bothered with him" Taehyung scoffed.

After changing out of his wet clothes, the moment Jackson helped Jungkook lay on his bed, he dozed off.

You didn't return for me when I waited for you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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