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Missed calls

"Don't wake him" Mr. Kim said when he arrived at the house. Earlier when he asked how his nephew was doing, the caretaker reported to him that he had returned home but hasn't left his room since.

His uncle knew how he was, besides the fact that he more or less raised him, Taehyung was very much like him, so he knew it was best to give him some time before trying to find out was happening.

But he was certain it has something to do with the boy he mentioned before.
Jungkook had been curled up in his bed, not asleep but not quite awake either. He thought of calling Taehyung but what was he going to say.

It was night time when he finally decided to go and take a shower, winter was approaching . He spent a long time just standing under the water.

His doctor was expecting him to come with Taehyung and he hasn't given him any update, what was he going to do about school? Will the scholarship funding stop once they find out? what will he do, he has to find find a job, where was he going to live?

All these questions and what if's were making his head hurt, but he couldn't just ignore them. The past couple of days have been incredibly stressful for him that he was paying very little to no attention to himself.

He hasn't had a proper meal in a while, whenever he felt hungry he would just reach for whatever was around, which was usually some unhealthy snack.

He stumbled out of the shower as he felt like he was getting weak in his knees and went to his bed. He took a moment to calm himself down since he was beginning to feel a bit dizzy and out of breath.

It felt like it took forever, but finally he was fully dressed. He placed his hand on his tummy, he hasn't done that in a while, even though that was exactly why everything was happening.

He figured it was best to go the hospital since an hour later he just felt like he was just getting worse.

"Hello, Jungkook, are you okay" Dr. Kim asked when he picked up the phone.
"Y-yes, I am fine, I wanted to ask if you are still at the hospital" Jungkook asked, furrowing his brows due to the pain he felt.

"No, I actually left about an hour ago, did you need to see me?"
"No, that's okay, but-" Jungkook hesitated
"What is it, you can tell me"

"C- can you write me a prescription for some painkillers" Jungkook asked.
"Painkillers? are you feeling sick?"
"No, not really, I just have a slight headache and-"

"Where are you?" Dr. Kim interrupted
"where are you?" Jin repeated as he got up from his seat and grabbed his car keys., "send me your address am coming to get you"

Jungkook wasn't sure if he should, but it felt like the longer he waited the more intense the pain got. He decided to send it, it was better that way he thought, the doctor will be able to figure out what was wrong with him if he saw him.

He had no medication he could take, and his doctor had told him before that he can't get anything from the local pharmacy without a prescription.

About forty-five minutes had passed when there was a knock on the door, "come in" Jungkook said, his voice was so faint that it couldn't be heard.

After knocking several times and not hearing anything, Jin opened the door. He quickly got his phone out when he noticed Jungkook laying on the floor.

"Hey, hey, Jungkook, wake up, hey" He said as he knelt to his side placing the younger's head on his lap but Jungkook was unresponsive.

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