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We are each other's.

"If you want to pay me back so badly, how about you come and watch me play today?" Taehyung said
"But I already watch you guys play" Jungkook replied. Chan and Bogum now always take him along to their practices whenever he has a free afternoon. His plan to avoid them clearly failed.

A week has passed since the group ate together, and finally today Jungkook got a chance to talk to Taehyung. He wanted to thank him again, and pay him back for the meal.

"no, correction, you watch Chan and Bogum play, I want you to watch me" Taehyung replied. "But what difference will that make, if-if I watch you play?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung didn't know, but Jungkook was always stealing glances at him when he was on the field, but every time Taehyung would look his way, he would quickly focus his attention on Chan or Bogum. He didn't want to be seen as weird.

And after every game, he would quickly disappear as soon as the crowd of students ran up to the players. 

"I just think I would play better if I knew that you were looking" Taehyung said tilting his head. "Huh, and you want that as your payment?" Jungkook asked, not believing what Taehyung just said. Taehyung simply nodded with a smile.

Jungkook couldn't say he hated the idea, but he also felt slightly guilty because it felt like this whole thing was benefitting him more than it was benefitting Taehyung.

It started with one game, and more followed after. Taehyung was always looking for Jungkook in the crowd and whenever he spots him, he would wave with a wide grin on his face.

Not long after that, Taehyung was coming to school early to see Jungkook before his class started, with the excuse that he just so happened to wake up early. Chan and Bogum would always tease him for stealing their baby.

"Do you like him?" Jennie asked one afternoon as they were going for lunch. Taehyung looked at her and smiled, "what do you think? he asked in a teasing manner.

"Come on, you have to tell me" Jennie whined, "why is everyone so interested in that, even Chan and Bogum keep questioning me about that" Taehyung replied laughing.

Jennie stared at him with a pout, "I thought we told each other everything". "Oh my dear Jennie, you said it yourself remember, any friend or baby of Chan and Bogum is our baby too, you guys are just overthinking everything, you like him, they like him, why can't I like him too hmm?" Taehyung said holding Jennie by her shoulders.

Even though their friends still had their doubts, they stopped asking about what was going on between the two. Taehyung never changed his answer, and whenever Chan or Bogum tried to get anything out Jungkook, the poor thing would just get flustered and be so confused as to why any one would assume there was anything going on between him and Taehyung.

When Taehyung had a free afternoon, he would spend it in the art room with Jungkook. On some days he would be studying, other days he would just watch the other paint, and if ever he was too tired, he would insist on resting his head on Jungkook's lap as he slept.

"Paint me" Taehyung said one afternoon, "what?" Jungkook asked,  surprised by the sudden request. "Paint me" Taehyung repeated.

"Where do you want me? should I sit there?" Taehyung asked pointing at one if the stools. "Ah- it doesn't work like that" Jungkook said trying to get back to his painting.

"No? then how? do I need to prepare or something?" Taehyung asked. "why do you even want me  to paint you?" Jungkook asked turning to face him.

"I want to see how I look in your eyes" Taehyung replied

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