28 '~'

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"I love you Jen-" Taehyung said as he took her hand in his.


The week after the three of them went out, was not the best week for Taehyung. He found himself going back to what Bogum said.

He didn't show any interest in the matter at the time because he wasn't sure he wanted to know the rest of it. But now it was all he could think off.

Jungkook was still in touch with Bogum? does that mean he spoke to the other two as well? for how long? But most importantly, why was he left out of this, did he really want nothing to do with him? ever again.

Questions and more questions plagued his mind.

He had been told before, not to turn to alcohol when he was having a hard time, but nothing else seemed to work.

He was worn out and tired from working out, but as soon as he was well rested, everything came back. He decided against driving in case he zones out while out on the road.

When it was finally Friday, he bought alcohol to drink at his apartment since he didn't want to end up passing out at some random places, or his family somehow finding out.

"I really need to let go now" he mumbled to himself.

He was getting drunk with each mouth full, but he wanted to make a promise to himself, that he will let go now, that Jungkook was no longer a part of his life and he should let go.

The alcohol started to taste even more bitter, and in that moment he remembered his grandfather's words, "when life is hard, alcohol is bitter, but when things finally go your way, you wont believe just how sweet it is"

"I guess it pretty much sucks for me right now grandpa" he said out loud, still squinting every time he swallowed, he desperately wanted to believe his own words that he was letting go, but it didn't seem like it was happening, and deep down he was still holding on to some kind of hope, that Jungkook missed him the way he did and that they will be together again, it was foolish and he knew it. But he decided he was better off being a fool than accepting his reality.

About two hours had passed and he was now laying on the couch, there were still a couple of bottles and cans that he hadn't opened. He heard his door bell ring.

He wasn't expecting anyone, but he went to see who it might be.

"O my goodness, did you drink a whole bar or something" Jennie asked pinching her nose, Taehyung just gave her a drunken smile and invited her in.

"What's going on Tae? what's all this?" she asked seeing the mess. "Don't worry about it-" Taehyung said sitting down, he really wanted to sleep.

Jennie started cleaning up and Taehyung told her to stop, she didn't listen. "I said leave it Jen!" he said louder.

"Huh" he let out a sigh 'I-I think you should leave".
"Tae, you need to tell me what's going on, your uncle-".
"Don't tell him, don't tell my family, just- just let me be okay"
"Tae, you know you can talk to me right" Jennie said walking closer towards him.

"We never hid anything from each other, you can talk to me" She repeated taking Taehyung's hand in hers.

Taehyung was drunk and a lot of things didn't make much sense to him, but he could still tell that it was Jennie in front of him.

His heart ached and Jennie's words were calming him down, The way she looked at him, her gaze seemed to draw him in. And he was aware of her soft hand holding his.

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