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You look like the rest of my life

"Thank you again" Jungkook said for the nth time to Jennie, "okay, okay, Mr. you are welcome" will you stop thanking me now?" Jennie said with a laugh, making Jungkook smile shyly.

A week ago, it was his birthday, he turned seventeen. Taehyung took it upon himself to make the celebration memorable. Chan and Bogum helped, and out of the three, Jennie was the one who ended doing the most work.

 But she didn't mind, she was good at planning and being the one to put together things perfectly. She was was very happy when Taehyung asked for her help.

They soon parted ways as Jungkook was going to the art room and Jennie was headed home.

"You know, you could just sign up for this class, seeing how you are always here" Jungkook said to Taehyung who he found looking at the paintings that were hung in the room.

He turned around and smiled at Jungkook, "no, thank you, I just want to see your art" he said. "So cheezie" Jungkook whispered and then chuckled, "I heard that" Taehyung said narrowing his eyes at him.

Jungkook got a file out, it was for his university. Now that he was a senior, he got a few more assignments to complete and he figured he should get done with them before his other classes got too busy.

"You stare a lot you know" Jungkook said not looking up from his file.
"You don't like it?
"It's not about whether I like it or not, hey should you be training for your game tomorrow?" Jungkook said wanting to change the subject.

"You are doing that thing again" Taehyung complained. "What thing?" Jungkook asked getting up from his seat and started to aimlessly pace around. He knew what Taehyung meant, but he wasn't going to admit to it.

Taehyung watched him as he started to fidget with his hands, "cute", he thought. Waiting until they finish high school was becoming hard by the day as he watched Jungkook mindlessly bite on his lower lip.

He stoop up and walked towards him, he towered over him.

He gently pulled down his lower lip so that he wasn't biting on it anymore, "I can't wait to see you tomorrow" he said.

He was so close that Jungkook was getting flustered, secretly praying that his face is not turning pink.

"Come on, you see me everyday" he said with a nervous laugh, clearly Taehyung has no understanding of personal space.

"Well, that's true, but tomorrow, you will be cheering me on at the game, with  my number right here" he said the last part poking Jungkook's cheek.

"Huh, its-its not that big of a deal" Jungkook said while wiggling his was away from Taehyung. 

How was he supposed to ignore his feelings when Taehyung says things like that, or when he acts like that. He felt his heart thump against his chest as he placed his hand on his chest and felt the necklace with a music pendant that Taehyung got him for his birthday.  

"Okay, if you want to see me tomorrow, then you should get going and practice, I mean you are the captain after all" he said blinking his bambi eyes at Taehyung.

Taehyung let out a chuckle, he liked it whenever Jungkook got flustered, "okay, I will do that, only if you come with a banner with my name on it too"

Jungkook was about to protest when Taehyung raised his eyebrow at him, "okay, fine, now go, shoo" he said pushing Taehyung out the door.

He smiled to himself after he was gone, there was a bubbling feeling that he liked, he couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Taehyung walked away with a bounce in his step and a smile on his face, tomorrow felt so far.

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