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"Sign anything they send to you, I won't be able to come out and see you but I am going to need you to trust me okay" Jin said said to Namjoon.

"Okay, okay-" Namjoon replied as he mumbled more to himself, "hey, look at me" Jin said holding him by his shoulders.

"He is going to be fine, my team and I will do our very best that they will both make it. Namjoon nodded as he partly listened to what he was being told.

"We have to operate on him now and right after, we have to do surgery to remove the tumor. It exploded for some reason, hence the bleeding. Anything that the nurse brings to you, sign it, okay" Jin explained.

"Okay" that was all Namjoon could manage to say.

Everything was fine, Jungkook still had a month and about a week to go, he was fine that morning, everything was fine.

So why, why do things keep going wrong? Jungkook appeared to have been doing better, but all of the sudden this, why? why now?

"Dad, it hurts- it hurts so much" Jungkook had his hand fisted on Namjoon's sleeve when he carried him to Jin's car.

"Just hang in there for a little bit okay, it's going to be okay, just hang in there okay-" Namjoon's hands were shaking and he was holding back tears.

Not too long ago they were out in the garden, celebrating the good news, Jungkook was fine. But now, with him in his arms, he didn't know what to do to make him feel better.

There was blood everywhere, his eyes were blood shot red, and he didn't know how to make him better. "Please drive faster Jin" he said while in the back seat.

Jin could not waste time and allow himself to break down, not now. He had to stay focused on the road, to make sure that they arrived quickly and safely, "we are almost there" he said without looking back.

By the time they had arrived at the hospital there was a team already waiting for them,

"save her, please save her dad" Jungkook said
"No, the both of you are coming back okay, you have to come back to us, you have to-" Namjoon's hands were trembling as he placed Jungkook on the hospital bed.

Jungkook got wheeled away and Namjoon felt like his whole world was falling apart, and he couldn't do anything about it.

After Jin left him, time didn't make sense to him anymore. Nothing made sense.

About three hours had passed when a nurse came to him and asked him to sign a couple of forms for a procedure that was going to be done. He signed it without reading it, it didn't matter what was written in it, he just wanted them safe.

Two more hours passed and no one could give him any information about what was happening. All he could do was wait.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked Bogum as he drank from his water bottle. "Yeah, I really took time to think about it" the other replied. "Well, perfect, I will probably hire you in the future" Taehyung joked.

So much had changed for the group, Taehyung had returned from his parent's place to continue with school. During his time away he got to think more about what he wanted to do, career wise.

Contrary to what he thought would happen; which was being suffocated by the pain of his heart break. He found himself with a lot of things to spend his time on.

He often accompanied his dad and uncle to their work places so see what they do. He would also visit his mother and aunt's places. And when he wasn't doing that, he would tag along on his grandfather's trips.

The Kims had a variety of businesses, his mother and aunt were from wealthy families so when they married into the Kim family, it only expanded they territory in the business world, and the whole world in a literal sense

They had hotels, restaurants, galleries and the entertainment companies. Taehyung decided that he wanted to work with people, in any of the fields.

His cousin was more involved in the entertainment field, more closely with the artists than overall management.

Taehyung was interested in both their galleries and entertainment, his family gave him advice on how he can work for both if he wanted to, and so he spent most of his month at home exploring his options.

He didn't want to think about Jungkook, if anything, he did everything he could to keep him out of his mind, and it worked, sometimes.

On most days, memories of them together come flooding in and he couldn't do anything about it, because nothing really worked.

Now back to school with his friends, each had made some changes to their lives.

Chan was scouted and signed to a football team, all three of them were good at sports, but the other two were not interested in going pro. Chan however did, and he appeared to be pleased with his choice.

Bogum said he wanted to keep his interest in fashion and design as a hobby, he much preferred a more corporate structure. His friends teased him that he was running away from all the boys that kept hitting on him.

His parents however were very pleased, even though they had supported him with his initial plan, they very much loved his new choice, since it meant he could now be part of the family business.

Jennie's choice hadn't changed, she was set. The only difference was that, since Chan had to move, her and Bogum got to live in the same apartment building.

"So what time is Jen coming?" Taehyung asked, "In about ten minutes" Bogum replied as he checked his watch.

"What's up?" Taehyung asked, seeing Bogum let out a long sigh. "It's-" he hesitated, "come on tell me" Taehyung insisted.

"Well, it's Jungkook. He kind of just stopped replying to my messages"
"O, really?"
"Yeah, I mean I talked to him a few months ago, not as often as I had hopped, but you know. And now he just stopped. I tried calling, but nothing"

Taehyung didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Well, he might be caught up with something, surely he will get back to you". Bogum nodded to his reply.

"Have you guys been in touch?"

Before Bogum could ask anything else, Jennie called out to them. He really wanted to know what happened between the two, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen.

"You look pretty" Taehyung said as he got up to hug her.

Letting go.

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