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Time was racing by fast and Jungkook couldn't keep postponing the information the doctor was asking for.

He had changed into the hospital clothes as he sat on the bed opposite his doctor.

"We are going to keep you for two days, or longer if needed" the man explained. Jungkook nodded as he listened. He understood why, he was now almost four months along and somehow his body seemed to be getting weaker instead of adapting to the change.

"Jungkook, about your guardian-" Dr. Kim said.

"Uhm, he will be back in a couple of days, I will bring him"

"Can I get a phone number?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment. "I don't think it will be a good idea to contact him now, I think it will just scare him if he got a call from my doctor when he is so far away" Jungkook said fiddling with his hands.

"Hmm" Dr. Kim looked at his young patient. This was what he said last week. The boy says he was being adopted by a single dad, but the man was currently out of the country and that is why he couldn't come to the hospital.

Jin wanted to believe him, but given the fact that he was refusing to even give his phone number, it was becoming difficult.

"Okay, can I get a name" Jin asked
"Uhm, Mr. Kim, Kim Namjoon" Jungkook replied, Jin took a note of it.

"Okay, you should get some rest now okay" Jin said standing up.

Jungkook let out a breath after the door was closed. What was he going to do when Namjoon finally returns? He had just put down the man's name as his father without his consent.

That might not be the worst part because he doesn't have to tell him about it, but what was he going to do about his growing belly, he cant keep hiding it under the oversized hoodies, he was bound to get caught.

There were so many things going on in his mind.

He wasn't able to get a job like he planned to, besides having school work to deal with, he didn't take into account the changes his body might go through.

But the positive part was that, he wasn't short of money, if anything it seemed liked he had more, since he wasn't paying rent, Namjoon had told him that the scholarship covered for it.

But worrying about so many things was having a much greater effect on his body than he realized. 

At first he though he was just tired. But he started getting more dizzy spells, lack of appetite and other related symptoms.

Jin had told him he is under a lot of stress and that he should take better care of himself because his body was exhausted.

Jin was very concerned about his young patient, that he booked a private room for him. These rooms were almost always vacant, because it was usually people from wealthy families that stayed there.

Without telling Jungkook, Jin arranged for him to stay whenever he felt like it wasn't safe  for him to be  alone. Jungkook was simply under the impression that it was how things normally worked at the hospital.

He pulled up his covers and sank further into the bed, it was soft.
The following morning, Jungkook woke up to a tray of food on the table, he scrunched his nose at the site, he didn't like it.

He rang the bell  and in a few minutes, a nurse came to his room. 

"I am not that hungry" he explained to the nurse when she asked why he didn't want to eat. He could have let the food remain on the table, but the smell was actually making him nauseous.

Before the nurse left he asked if he could go out for a walk since was feeling a bit stuffy. "Of course" the nurse replied cheerfully.

Dr. Kim had suggested that he should go out some time and not just remain in his room.

So he figured he might as well buy something at the cafeteria while out on his walk.
Namjoon checked his watch, it was still a bit early, but there should be a pharmacy open, it was  hospital after all.

The day before while he was still in Japan, Jungkook mentioned that he had a headache. He hadn't told the younger that he was arriving today, he planned to surprise him.

But before that, he figured he should get him some painkillers, and since he can't just get anything from a regular pharmacy, he had to find a special male's doctor to ask.

He patted his pocket to make sure he had his phone and wallet as he hurried along the hall.

They saw each other at the same time. There was nowhere to hide as Jungkook froze in his tracks.

He started to slowly move back. "I must be imagining him" he told himself, "yes, this is all fake, he is Japan"


"No" Jungkook screamed internally. "no"

There was nowhere to run as he looked around, there was so much open space around them.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon repeated as he walked up to him.

"W-what are you doing here, are you that sick?" Namjoon asked very worried
"N-no, I am fine" Jungkook replied trying to cover himself with his jacket as he stood in front of the older.

"What's wrong Jungkook" Namjoon said holding his hand, "where does it hurt, you said it was just a headache"

"I- " Jungkook didn't know what to say, he was getting anxious and scared. "I- I am fine, I just-" he tried to speak but he couldn't make any coherent sentences.

Namjoon on the other hand was loosing his mind, Why didn't Jungkook say anything, why did he say it was just a headache when it was clearly more than that, that he had to be admitted.

"Take me to your doctor, I don't understand how it is that you are here" Namjoon said. Instead of doing what he was told, Jungkook slowly removed his hand from his grip and covered more of himself with his jacket.

"W-what's wrong? does your stomach hurt?" Namjoon asked placing his hand on Jungkook tummy.

Their eyes met, Jungkook could tell he knew, and Namjoon could tell that Jungkook knew that he knew.

"I can explain- I" Jungkook said as his big eyes grew even wider.

Namjoon let out a long sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Have you eaten?" he asked. "Hmm?" Jungkook looked at him confused. "Uhm, no, I was on my way to get something" he replied. 

"okay, lets go" Namjoon said leading the way. Jungkook trailed behind, feeling very confused by the reaction he got, if he could count that as a reaction. "He must be so mad" he thought to himself.

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