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A couple of days passed, Jungkook had already decided what his answer was going to be but he was still feeling nervous and unsure.

Namjoon visited every day and when he was discharged, he took him back to his apartment. He told Jungkook that even he didn't agree to the adoption it wasn't okay for him to live alone with Jungkook replying that he needed time to pack up his stuff first.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Jungkook was looking around his apartment, he had packed most of his stuff when he heard a knock on the door.

It was Namjoon, "good afternoon sir" Jungkook greeted him. "May I come in?" Namjoon asked to which Jungkook replied by stepping away from the doorway and ushering him inside.

"O I see you are almost done" he said looking around. "A, yes" Jungkook replied with a small smile.

"You don't have to move everything though, this is your place, so you can come here whenever you want"

Jungkook stared back at him a bit confused.

"Ah, I bought the place, but it's in your name, so technically it's yours" Namjoon explained, though Jungkook didn't understand why.

"But, why-why would you do that?" he asked.

"I don't know, I just wanted to. Besides, now you have a place you can come back to" Namjoon said with a smile.

Namjoon said he didn't have an art studio at his house so Jungkook left his stuff for school and would be coming over to do his work there.

They had packed all that they needed to and got ready to leave when Jungkook said he had something to tell Jungkook.

"I-I agree, to the adoption I mean. I thought about it and I agree"

Namjoon was pleased with the news but also worried that maybe Jungkook felt pressured to go through with it.

"Are you sure? you don't have to if you don't want to. I will still help you regardless" he explained. "No, I do, I really thought about it and I want to do it" he said with a smile.
Jungkook didn't know Namjoon all that well, he hasn't really seen the man in a casual setting so seeing his house was a bit of a surprise. He wasn't sure what he expected, but it wasn't what he saw.

"Come in please" Namjoon said pulling Jungkook's suitcase behind him.

Jungkook's eyes scanned the place, it was beautiful.

Though Mr. Kim typically looked like the type of man that would kill a plant from watering it too much of forgetting he had one to begin with, he had a lot of plants in his house, alive for that matter.

"Your house is beautiful" Jungkook commented as he walked further inside, "Ah, thank you" the man replied.

"I prepared your room, it's this way" Namjoon said. Jungkook trailed behind him as he kept stealing glances at the painting hung on the wall, that was to be expected, he worked at an art university.

"What do you think?" Namjoon asked once they walked in. Jungkook was taken back as he switched glances between his room and Mr. Kim, "I- I love it, thank you" he said with a smile.

"Just how rich is Mr. Kim?" Jungkook wondered, but he didn't ask.

Namjoon left the boy alone to settle in and went to prepare their food. He couldn't cook, but he had a helper that came around to help prepare his meals. That happened at least twice a week since he often ate out.

But his life was changing now, he had a son, who had needs. And his doctor had recommended homecooked meals at least five times a week.

About thirty minutes later, Namjoon came to knock at Jungkook's door to inform him that lunch was ready.

Jungkook didn't know what to say, although he felt like he should probably say something. He took a few deep breaths and fixed his posture by sitting upright.

"Thank you-" he said.

Namjoon appeared to be thinking for a bit before replying. "Let me tell you a little bit about myself", he said.

"By now you might have pieced together that I do pretty well for myself, my job pays well. But besides that, I am only child, unfortunately my parents passed away while I was young, so I was raised by family, they all live abroad. Jungkook said sorry and Namjoon assured him that he was fine.

"They left me everything, that included the Kim airlines" Namjoon explained, seeing Jungkook's eyes go wide in surprise made him chuckle. I am not primarily involved in the family business, because I don't have much interest in business, that's why I teach art and work on all these other project, like the scholarship program that you got, my mother used to love art too".

"I am letting you know so that you don't have to wonder if I can actually afford to raise you, I can. In addition to that, I have never been married or had any kind of serious- about to get married kind of relationship. Hopefully I will in the future, but up until now, I never really made time for it, so am your only parent for now at least" he said with a chuckle. Jungkook smiled.

"Even though I suggested this, I don't know that much about parenting and I hope you can meet me halfway. You are a teenager now and I know you have your preferences and all things related, so please let me know if I ever cross any boundaries. My parents raised were great people, so I have an idea of what to do, but am not an expert-" He said the last part with a nervous chuckle.

"Are you going to ask me to call you dad next?" Jungkook asked teasingly to lighten the mood since it seemed like Mr. Kim was getting quite self conscious. They both laughed.

"Thank you for telling me. I didn't grow up with parents, but I think you make a great parent" he said with a reassuring smile.

"Are you just saying that to be polite?" Namjoon asked jokingly as he got up to get juice from the fridge. "No- am serious. I mean I have watched movies, so-" Jungkook defended himself making Namjoon laugh.

The man came back with two glasses and a jar of orange juice. "So what you are saying is I am like a TV dad?" he asked, "the good ones" Jungkook replied as he drank from his glass. Namjoon laughed, quite pleased with how their talk was going.

"Can I call you dad?"

Namjoon felt himself choke up, "uhm- you can call me whatever you are comfortable with" he replied. "Okay-" Jungkook replied.

They continued to chat and eat when Namjoon's phone rang. He excused himself for a bit and when he came back, he explained that I had to go somewhere.

After making sure Jungkook knew where everything was, he headed out.

Jungkook finished his meal, cleaned the table and the dished before going to his room.

Everything was changing so fast, he has moved in with this man who has now become his father. He was even surprised at how he didn't seem to feel out of place with Mr. Kim, it wasn't awkward or forced. And it might not take that long to call the man his father.

"We have a family now little biscuit. Ah- biscuit, that could be a cute nickname for now, what do you think? he said rubbing his tummy.

Little Biscuit.

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