
499 44 0

night skies, twinkling stars

"I wish you were ugly"

Taehyung raised an eye brow in confusion as he took a seat in front of Jungkook, "well, hello to you to, and I thought you liked my face" he added.

Jungkook squinted his eyes at him, "I didn't say I don't" he replied.

"But you want me to be ugly?" Taehyung asked, still not sure what was happening.

Jungkook let out a long breath, as though defeated, "I guess it can't be helped" he said leaning back in his seat.
"Care to let me in on your thoughts?" Taehyung asked.

"Those people at your new school are all going to fall for your face" Jungkook said with a pout, "I don't like it."

Taehyung cooed at what he was witnessing, "he's so cute" he thought

"But that shouldn't matter cause I cause I have only fallen for your face though" he said.

"That doesn't count" Jungkook said crossing his arms, Taehyung laughed, "you are really something else, if I remember correctly, you insisted I should go" he said leaning back in his chair.

"Well Because this is good for you, and I want what's best for you" Jungkook mumbled in response.

Taehyung knew he was right, but that didn't necessarily make it easier to accept. But this was something of a tradition in his family, and he wanted to continue with it.

Because the Kims run a global business, there are requirements that come with running a business like that, such as being knowledgeable in business on a larger scale than just Korea.

Taehyung was going to study for his business degree in the US and then work at their London branch for at least a year or two.

When he first told Jungkook about it, he took it well, but now that it was approaching, it was becoming a hard reality to accept.

But Jungkook still supported him regardless, he knows Taehyung would stay if he asked him. but he felt it would be rather unfair to get in the way of his future especially when it is obvious that he will work for the family business.

"Besides, my art course is only four years, and I can come visit over the holidays, and who knows, perhaps when am done I could move with you to London when you work" Jungkook would say.

Taehyung loved the idea, visiting would not be a problem for him either since his family is always flying around for business anyway.

Finally they were done with their exams, that meant Taehyung had about three months before he had to leave for school.

He would need to travel first for orientation week, but he will stay for three weeks because he has to go to London too.

"Can I see your list?" Taehyung asked

Jungkook took out a small note book and slid it across the table. Taehyung was about to start reading it when he heard voices behind him, it was their friends.

He quickly slid the book in his pocket before anyone saw it.

"So, this Saturday, we are all going right?" Chan asked as they all sat down, "Taehyung you are on baby sitting duty" Bogum said eyeing Jungkook.

"Yes sir" Taehyung replied smiling at Jungkook who was deliberately avoiding his gaze.

The group chatted a bit longer, and made final plans for their night out.

Chan and Bogum were going to move out of the hostel in a week, both of them including Jennie where all going to study in the states, so they figured they should get together as often as they could before they left.


Saturday came sooner than expected, it felt as though time was racing by.

"You guy will be back with Taehyung right?" Jungkook asked Chan and Bogum in reference to the orientation week.

"Yea, what's up" Chan asked, "oh, there's something I want to talk to you about" Jungkook replied, "you can tell us now" Bogum said.

"No, you have to wait" Jungkook replied with a small smile, feeling rather giddy inside

He wanted to tell them right then and there, that him and Taehyung were going out. But they decided to wait.

Jungkook was worried that now might not be a good time, since they were all trying to spend as much time together as a group, he didn't want to feel like he was dividing the group. Taehyung tried to convince him otherwise, but Jungkook was set on his decision.

"Oh, they are outside" Bogum said checking his phone. "Okay, let's go" Chan said getting off his bed, "let go" Jungkook added as he trailed behind him.

First they watched a movie, it was a horror, and for someone who got scared easily Jungkook was one of the people that voted for it.

While in the cinema he kept covering his eyes with his jacket whenever a scary scene came on, this made Taehyung laugh as he sat next to him.

After the movies, they took a stroll around the city, Jennie asked Taehyung for a piggy back ride, Taehyung was not too pleased about it, as it meant he couldn't walk next to Jungkook.

Bogum however, easily picked up the slight annoyance in Taehyung's voice as he spoke to Jennie, so he tried to lighted the mood by giving Jungkook a piggy back ride.

Some time passed and everything seemed to be well again, Taehyung was happy that Jungkook seemed to be having fun and what Jennie was doing didn't really bother him anymore.

"Let's go for drink" Chan suggested, "yes!" Jungkook said excitedly, "none for you, you are underage" Taehyung said pulling Jungkook away from Chan.

"But-" Jungkook tried to protest, "but nothing" Taehyung said firmly. Their friends just laughed at how cute Jungkook was.

In the end, they decided to go to a grill stand and had pork belly and beef, while his friends where drinking soju, Jungkook was drinking sprite and pretending it was alcohol.

They talked about how the past two years have been, meeting Jungkook and all. At some point, Jungkook got sad when he thought about his friends leaving, but they all promised to visit whenever they were in the country, and also assured him that they will be coming back after they graduate.

Laughter filled the stand as the group continued to eat, every now and them, they would ask for another bottle of soju or a refill of beef.

Life felt good, life was good


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