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A painted heart on the side walk

Two days had passed since Jungkook was brought to the hospital, Dr. Kim was happy seeing that his condition had stabilized.

It past five pm when Jungkook woke up, he looked around no on was around. He traced the iv drip that was connected to his arm with his hand.

Yesterday his doctor explained to him that he needs to take better care of himself because he isn't alone anymore.

It's not healthy for him or the development of the baby if he doesn't sleep well and eat well. If he continues to live the way he was currently living he might loose the baby.

"Loose the baby" Jungkook remembered those words. He started to question if he even wanted to keep the baby in the first place?

"O Jungkook, you are up" it was a nurse that spoke as she walked in. She greeted him and then changed his iv pack, "I will go and get the doctor to come see you" she said before leaving.

About five minutes passed and Dr. Kim walked in.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he took a seat next to his young patient, "I feel fine" Jungkook replied.

The doctor did a quick physical exam to ensure that there was no kind of discomfort especially around the belly.

"When will I be discharged? Jungkook asked.
"Well, that depends"
"On how you do"

"Did you get around reading the books I gave you?" the doctor asked.
"Uhm- a little bit" Jungkook mumbled his reply.

"Well, that's problem number one. Remember I told you about how sensitive you body is right", Jungkook nodded as he listened.

"There is a lot that you need to learn during this time, because your body works a bit differently, if you ever have questions ,you can call me any time"

"About your discharge, you can be discharged tomorrow or the day after. It will be irresponsible for me to send you home just because you say you are fine"

"B-but I am" Jungkook said.

"Yes, and you said the same thing before I found you on the floor of your room" the doctor replied. "In addition to that, I need you to come in every week starting next week"

Jungkook was a bit confused as to why that would be necessary, but the doctor explained to him that it was due to what happened.

It wasn't a complete lie, but Jungkook didn't need to have weekly visits, at least not yet, coming every two weeks would have been somewhat reasonable even three weeks would be fine.

But Jin was worried about the boy, even though Jungkook denied it when he asked, he knew he was alone and no one was taking care of him.

It would be better for him to abort if he had no means of ensuring his health and wellbeing, but he couldn't just suggest something like that when he didn't even know the rest of the story.

Sure, Jungkook was healthy, but he was still underage, by government law, him and the baby should be in someone's care, but it seemed like he didn't tell anyone at the orphanage either.

So Jin decided to take it upon himself to take care of him while he can and perhaps sometime next week he can talk to Jungkook about his guardian.

After the doctor left, Jungkook found himself thinking about Taehyung, how was he, where was he, did he try to contact him?

"Oh, my phone, the battery must have died now" Jungkook thought remembering that he didn't have his phone with him.

He got comfortable in bed to sleep, "I hope I will get discharged tomorrow and call him" he thought to himself.

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