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Taehyung wasn't going to stay for a long as he had planned to, there were some changes at his university so they had to start two weeks early, so now he only had two weeks to stay in Korea.

One thing he was pleased with however was that there has been a great change in Jungkook's mood.

The first two days didn't go so well, he could tell Jungkook was pretending to be fine, but he really wasn't doing a good job. And no matter how many times he asked, Jungkook would still say he was fine.

He chose to be patient with him, and it appeared to have paid off, and he was happy.

Jungkook however was getting very conflicted on what to do when it seemed like they were going to do it, since his boyfriend arrived, they would only stop at kissing, he told himself he shouldn't, given what he was planning on doing, he definitely shouldn't.

Except he didn't think it would be this hard, he was having a hard time controlling himself. But without a doubt he also knew Taehyung would never force him or manipulate him into doing it.

They have been going back and fourth between Taehyung's apartment and the dorm. Taehyung didn't stay at home because his parents weren't there and the house felt too big, but his uncle was going to be arriving in about a week or so.

"Oh, we are finally here" Jungkook said dropping the canvases on the floor and throwing himself on the couch.

"Are you tired? I offered to carry them" Taehyung said closing the door behind him, "they weren't heavy, besides if I can't carry my canvases I am really an artist" Jungkook said jokingly.

"Well, but since am here, you don't have to do any of that" Taehyung said, slowly descending on the younger who was laying on the couch until their faces were a few inches apart.

"I would do it all for you" Taehyung said. Jungkook could feel his cheeks burning up, this was going to be hard to resist.

Taehyung had one leg wedged between his legs as he moved closer.

He didn't want to just do as he pleased, even though he has been feeling somewhat pent up from the past couple of days. But he wanted to give Jungkook a chance to push him away if he didn't want to, to tell him to stop if he wasn't up for it. But he didn't.

"Can we do it?" Taehyung asked in a low voice, being so close, it sounded even deeper that Jungkook felt chills down his spine.

Jungkook stared back at him, his bambi eyes seemingly getting rounder, "mh" he nodded, "are you sure?" Taehyung asked again, "yes, I am sure" the reply came.

Jungkook didn't want to think about anything else, right now in this moment, he was with the boy he loved, and nothing else mattered, and he didn't want to deny himself the simple pleasure of experiencing this moment.

He felt at ease when Taehyung kissed him, the way he always did, slowly and passionately. The way his hands explored his body, gently and not in any rush, in that moment they had all the time in the world.

Taehyung loved the way the younger's body seemed to relax in his hold, the way his soft hands felt against his skin when he held the side of his face and kissed him back.

He soon sat up and picked Jungkook up, the couch didn't feel very comfortable.

"By the way, you still haven't told me about how it is over there" Jungkook said while the two sat in a café.

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