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Warm Hugs

Jungkook stood in front of the baby store, he had found the perfect gift to break the news to Taehyung.

He bought a small little bear that had white t-shirt on , with the words "new dad" on it. Jungkook took it out of the bag, he couldn't get over at how cute it was. Taehyung was arriving the following day.

He was too busy playing with the bear that he didn't notice someone looking at him from across the street, it was Jennie. "Hmm, what's he doing at a baby store?" she wondered.

Jungkook was about to hide the bear when he turned around to see who tapped his shoulder, but he was late cause Jennie saw it.

It wasn't enough that she just saw it, she also read what was written on it. Being so flustered, Jungkook couldn't think of a lie fast enough and Jennie had questions.

"She will find out anyways, I might as well as tell her, hopefully Taehyung wouldn't be upset that I told her first" Jungkook said as they made their way to a café.


The night prior to Taehyung's arrival, Jungkook didn't pick up his calls, he thought of switching the phone of but went against it.

He wasn't able to sleep all night as his thoughts kept him up, so many things were going on in his head.

"how do you break up with someone?", he typed in the search bar , within seconds, results filled his screen

Tell your BF or GF that you want to talk about something important.
Start by mentioning something you like or value about the other person....
Say what's not working (your reason for the break-up). ...

Say you want to break up. ...

Say you're sorry if this hurts. ...

Say something kind or positive.

None of the suggestions were helpful and that only seemed to upset him more, was this the only alternative, couldn't he do something else?

He finally managed to fall asleep during the morning hours as his head was hurting a lot and his eyes hurt from crying and lack of sleep.

Taehyung would be landing in the evening so he could sleep during the day.

He checked his phone again, incase he missed Jungkook's call, but there was nothing. He figured he might be busy with other stuff so he will see him when he lands.

Before the plane took off, Taehyung took some sleeping pills, he wanted to get all the rest he needed since he was going to see Jungkook as soon as he lands.

He was accompanied by another person on the plane, since his parents would never let him travel alone. Now that he was getting older the media was getting more interested in him.

His family was trying to make sure that his status doesn't affect his school work, but he was already getting lots of attention. And it wasn't necessarily because of his status but rather his looks, and there was only so much one could do about that, it wont be long until they start trying to find out more about him.

Once on the plane, Taehyung could feel his eye lids feel heavy, he was getting sleepy. "I can't wait to see you" he thought to himself before falling asleep.
A driver was waiting for Taehyung at the airport, instead of going home, he asked to go to Jungkook's dorm, he needed to see him.

He asked at the reception for his floor and room number, and made his way up. With a gift bag in one hand, he could feel his heart race like crazy, it has been less than a month since he last saw him but it felt like forever.

He gently knocked at the door but there was no answer, even after a few tries with him even calling out Jungkook's name.

He tried the door to see if it was locked, but to his luck it wasn't.

It was dark, quite and a bit stuffy, clearly the windows have not been opened. He looked around spotted Jungkook curled up on his bed.

First he opened one of the windows to let some air in and went over to the bed.

He was deep asleep because he didn't even move when Taehyung tried to wake him, "are you that tired Kook?" he asked in a whisper.

He decided to remain seating by the edge of the bed for a bit longer, he didn't want to leave yet.

Later Taehyung had gotten a chair and sat in front of Jungkook while he still slept, he figured he could just wait until he woke up, he  wasn't tired but he soon found himself starting to fall asleep.

At first Taehyung thought he was dreaming when he heard a faint voice, but soon realized that he wasn't when he opened his eyes.

It was Jungkook, he was mumbling something in his sleep, he appeared so distressed, but must have been having a bad dream.

"Hey-hey, wake up" Taehyung tried to wake him as  he gently shook him, "Jungkook!"

"Tae?" Jungkook said when he finally opened his eyes, but he still wasn't sure if he was actually awake, why was Taehyung here.

"Yes it's me, hi" Taehyung replied with a proud smile, Jungkook didn't say anything as he pulled him close for a hug. "You missed me that much?" Taehyung asked as he hugged him back.

Prior to Taehyung's arrival Jungkook wasn't able to properly fall asleep. He would have short periods of deep sleep, and then wake up again.

But now in Taehyung's arms, he felt at ease, his heart didn't ache so much anymore, it didn't hurt anymore. He pulled him closer as though to convince himself that he really wasn't dreaming.

"I should have come sooner if I knew you missed me this much" Taehyung said brushing away a few strands of hair from Jungkook's face.

"When did you get here?" Jungkook asked, "just a few hours ago, you were sleeping" , "o, sorry" Jungkook replied.

"It's okay, I liked watching you sleep"

There was a silence for a moment. Jungkook now avoiding looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung lifted his face so that they could face each other, "what's wrong?" he asked. "It's nothing, I just missed you that's all" Jungkook replied fisting his hands on Taehyung's sweater.

Taehyung couldn't figure it out exactly, but something felt off, Jungkook was sad, but why. Was it because he was gone for too long.

"Am here now okay"

He said as he leaned closer to kiss him.

"I missed you so much" Taehyung said pulling away for a moment, there weren't enough words to describe how he felt in that moment, but he knew he felt like he was were he belonged, next to Jungkook.

It was unusual, but Taehyung decided not to ask too many questions, at least not yet, Jungkook wasn't talking much and he seemed tired, even though he had just woken up.

About an hour had passed and the couple was laying in bed. "What time should I pick you up tomorrow?" Taehyung asked.

"You are leaving?" Jungkook asked sounding very sad. "Yeah, I was thinking I should go, I need to take a shower and you could go back to sleep" Taehyung explained.

"Can-can you not go?" Jungkook asked, "please don't go" he added.

Taehyung smiled a little, "okay, I will stay" he said pulling the younger closer to his side, "I will stay right here"

It didn't take long for Jungkook to fall asleep, soon the silence in the room was slightly broken by his breathing.

"I guess I will give him his present tomorrow" Taehyung said looking at the gift bag.

It felt good, to be back and be with Jungkook. He has been counting days, hating how time seemed to be slow, but finally the wait was over, he was home.


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